May 26-28, 2021
Mickey Miller Blackwell Stadium - Gulf Shores, AL

Men's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries

1 Indiana Tech Jordan Highsmith, Michael Warner, Dillan Elkins, Zayquan Lincoln 33.90 35.11 49.63 40.35 45.60 42.78 52.46
2 Florida Memorial Rodheim Austin, Shemar Chambers, Brandon Walker, Leroy Francis 41.67 43.31 50.66 40.85 48.62 29.82 45.35
3 Southeastern U. Leighton Griep, Trey Alford, Davonte Vanterpool, Joseph Taylor 29.92 33.20 30.33 40.98 43.03 45.08 36.89
4 Dillard Cody Branch, Willie McCaulley, Kaleb McClendon, James Pennington III 32.88 40.27 51.78 41.09 42.33 44.38 51.37
5 Truett-McConnell Joe Parrilla, Kenny Williams, Kyshone Davenport, Keontrae Clayton 31.70 45.28 52.69 41.16 46.93 36.22 48.57
6 Webber Jordon Murrell, Garrett Palmer, Stevenson Blount, Yeltsin Mora 50.50 42.29 38.59 41.05 34.08 30.38 43.93
7 Bethel (Kan.) Trey Palmer, Kemroy Cupid, Amondre Schumpert-Stree, Braylen Brewer 42.37 52.65 51.42 41.13 31.67 53.06 49.77
8 Arizona Christian Charles Proby lll, Zak Kleppe, Greg Tremble, Jullian Coronado 39.90 43.60 30.03 41.13 39.90 48.95 51.42
9 William Carey Kenneth Bellamy, Acdane Campbell, Garrick Randolph, Ineh Emmanuel 43.61 49.37 53.07 41.14 46.08 53.07 42.79
10 Southwestern Assemblies of God Dylan Alford, Nicholas Henderson, Joshua Allen, Charles Pulliam III 50.32 31.76 33.82 41.24 45.78 45.78 50.73
11 William Penn Jackson Coates, Jaelen Love, Nick Jackson, Joel Brown 41.37 31.45 45.51 41.37 43.03 42.62 53.79
12 Voorhees Cheneniah McKeever, Lathan Kee, Nathan Kee, Kenneth Cannon 36.85 49.27 44.72 41.40 51.34 37.26 31.88
13 MidAmerica Nazarene Garth Williams, Joshua O'Brien, Tyler Bussey, Tim Ballah 45.56 31.89 48.04 41.41 49.28 48.04 47.21
14 Wayland Baptist Kirk Baril, Shai Brown, Lathaniel Jeanlouis, brenden strickland 46.42 33.98 51.39 41.44 44.76 38.13 49.73
15 Cumberland (Tenn.) Dante Bertrand, Desmond Maclin, Jaylen Poole, Tobi Oniyide 41.93 45.25 41.51 41.51 41.51 53.97 48.57
16 Oklahoma City Cliford Charuka, Kimani Gardner, Bryce McConnell, Antravius Perkins 29.53 29.12 42.84 41.59 44.51 36.19 32.86
17 Allen Deyandre Ruffin, Montrell White, Chase Pennington, Reggie Jones, Jr. 52.86 45.37 42.46 41.62 31.64 46.62 45.79
18 McPherson Quashad Washington, Cullen Grabast, A. Xavier Powell, Xavier Taylor 36.65 53.72 30.40 41.64 49.14 42.89 48.31
19 Northwestern (Iowa) Daniel Strand, Cody Post, Braden Jahn, Jacob Davies 50.83 51.66 35.00 41.66 32.08 45.00 41.25
20 Dakota State Jared Wipf, Riley Greenhoff, Brenner Furlong, Joshua Snook 43.39 31.71 49.23 41.72 40.89 45.48 47.15
20 Southwestern (Kan.) Phillip Jones, Kiare Worthy, Keyshawn Jones, David Mvundura 54.24 50.49 45.06 41.72 31.71 42.14 33.38
22 Benedictine (Kan.) Adam Bell, Austin Mernagh, Alex Merrifield, Robert Adger 29.21 46.73 37.55 41.72 43.39 32.13 39.64
23 Grace Isaac Findley, John Green, Michael Williams, Braden Smith 31.02 31.86 43.18 41.92 52.82 31.02 49.89
24 Baker Kwan Brooks, Justin Moore, Zack Strawn, Tristin McCann 52.89 45.33 48.69 41.97 38.20 38.62 46.17
25 Marian (Ind.) Tyler Thomas, Matthew Hamer, Nic Novotny, Chase Maxey 46.71 37.46 52.18 42.08 31.98 47.55 29.46
26 Bethel (Ind.) Mahmoud Ameen, Travis Sperry, Richard Corbitt, Corey Jones 42.55 52.65 47.60 42.12 54.76 52.23 36.65
27 Keiser Tereon Francis, Vindero Lightfoot, Matthew Beliard, Guillaume Richards 44.23 47.60 44.65 42.12 54.34 49.71 30.33
28 Friends Juvens Pierre, Casey Mosley, Chiante Stewart, Noah Myers 32.07 42.62 34.60 42.19 43.04 44.73 54.43
28 Siena Heights Davion Curry, Naythan Haslam, Noah Cunningham, Matthew Gipple 29.54 41.77 40.51 42.19 40.08 53.59 45.57
30 St. Thomas (Fla.) Bradley Bowlin, Marvin Williams, Isaiah Hunter, Isaac Joseph 50.81 33.03 31.76 42.34 41.50 43.19 32.61
  Reinhardt Marcus Jefferson, Otis Odom, Dezric Cook, Terry Berdin DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Tennessee Wesleyan Kenny Benton, Shariq Dodd, Tevon Shuler, Coby Colquitt DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
  Concordia (Neb.) Cade Kleckner, Joel Rathe, Jacob Jennings, Colton Meyer DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
5 Truett-McConnell Parrilla, Williams, Davenport, Clayton 41.16 52.69
11 William Penn Coates, Love, Jackson, Brown 41.37 50.89
15 Cumberland (Tenn.) Bertrand, Maclin, Poole, Oniyide 41.51 34.87
16 Oklahoma City Charuka, Gardner, McConnell, Perkins 41.59 29.95
20 Dakota State Wipf, Greenhoff, Furlong, Snook 41.72 32.13
26 Bethel (Ind.) Ameen, Sperry, Corbitt, Jones 42.12 34.96
27 Keiser Francis, Lightfoot, Beliard, Richards 42.12 33.70
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
4 Dillard Branch, McCaulley, McClendon, Pennington III 41.09 37.81 36.99
20 Southwestern (Kan.) Jones, Worthy, Jones, Mvundura 41.72 42.56 43.81
22 Benedictine (Kan.) Bell, Mernagh, Merrifield, Adger 41.72 53.41 50.07
28 Siena Heights Curry, Haslam, Cunningham, Gipple 42.19 44.30 41.77
  Tennessee Wesleyan Benton, Dodd, Shuler, Colquitt DNF DNF DNF
  Reinhardt Jefferson, Odom, Cook, Berdin DNF DNF DNF
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 3
3 Southeastern U. Griep, Alford, Vanterpool, Taylor 40.98
12 Voorhees McKeever, Kee, Kee, Cannon 41.40
14 Wayland Baptist Baril, Brown, Jeanlouis, strickland 41.44
18 McPherson Washington, Grabast, Powell, Taylor 41.64
24 Baker Brooks, Moore, Strawn, McCann 41.97
30 St. Thomas (Fla.) Bowlin, Williams, Hunter, Joseph 42.34
  Concordia (Neb.) Kleckner, Rathe, Jennings, Meyer DNF
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 4
2 Florida Memorial Austin, Chambers, Walker, Francis 46.57 40.85 47.80
7 Bethel (Kan.) Palmer, Cupid, Schumpert-Stree, Brewer 30.44 41.13 31.26
8 Arizona Christian Proby lll, Kleppe, Tremble, Coronado 44.01 41.13 35.79
9 William Carey Bellamy, Campbell, Randolph, Emmanuel 49.78 41.14 47.73
17 Allen Ruffin, White, Pennington, Jones, Jr. 44.95 41.62 52.45
19 Northwestern (Iowa) Strand, Post, Jahn, Davies 51.25 41.66 40.00
23 Grace Findley, Green, Williams, Smith 36.47 41.92 44.44
Men's 4 x 100 Relay Preliminaries Heat 5
1 Indiana Tech Highsmith, Warner, Elkins, Lincoln 49.23 31.48 40.35 39.95
6 Webber Murrell, Palmer, Blount, Mora 47.62 47.62 41.05 52.14
10 Southwestern Assemblies of God Alford, Henderson, Allen, Pulliam III 32.58 52.38 41.24 33.82
13 MidAmerica Nazarene Williams, O'Brien, Bussey, Ballah 30.23 50.94 41.41 36.86
25 Marian (Ind.) Thomas, Hamer, Novotny, Maxey 52.18 47.13 42.08 44.19
28 Friends Pierre, Mosley, Stewart, Myers 35.44 37.98 42.19 37.55