February 8- 9, 2019
Boston University-Track & Tennis Center - Boston, MA
200m (Banked)

Men's Distance Medley Relay

1 American Int'l Patric Clark, Chad Miller, Nick Fenton, Benoit Campion 6:55.05 8:53.64 9:52.93 11:45.59 8:59.57 8:47.71
2 SUNY Geneseo Gillan Faulkner, Zach Hannahoe, Nico Bellavia, Brendan Murphy 9:54.73 10:55.41 10:06.86 9:06.18 8:47.97 9:42.59
3 Christopher Newport Clark Edwards, Kurt Waller, Adam Wosahla, Cavanaugh McGaw 8:19.91 8:19.91 10:09.64 7:37.23 10:34.03 7:37.23
4 Ramapo Chris Andersen, Angel De Los Santos, Jose DeLaCruz, Matt Tuohy 8:08.15 7:37.64 10:10.18 11:17.30 11:35.61 9:45.78
5 Williams Benjamin Hearon, Chris Bassett, Nick Gannon, Lucas Estrada 10:35.28 10:29.17 10:10.84 7:32.03 8:57.54 10:35.28
6 Roberts Wesleyan Josiah Ottolini, Matthew Wottawa, Nathan Cannon, Christopher Sims 10:23.80 9:40.99 10:11.56 11:49.41 12:50.57 10:05.45
7 Oswego State Timothy Olmsted, Zach Levine, Kevin Clifford, Nick LeClair 13:14.77 12:56.14 10:20.91 7:14.64 10:02.29 12:31.31
8 Stevens Institute Jake Catalano, Jon Cucci, Trevor LaDue, Robby Russo 12:14.78 8:36.84 10:22.69 11:06.28 11:56.10 9:57.79
9 Tufts Collin O'Sullivan, Billy Witrock, Roman Lovell, Nick Delaney 7:28.63 9:08.32 10:23.09 8:49.63 12:46.40 8:06.01
10 The Heartbreakers Jonathan Phillips, Ed Waller, Sean Edelman, Conor Cashin 11:49.68 13:23.88 10:28.03 12:33.64 11:43.40 10:02.91
11 Union (N.Y.) David Bates, Colin Keally, Will Fisher, Arden Kellner 7:59.07 7:59.07 10:30.35 8:17.98 9:02.11 12:30.12
12 Eastern Steven Payne, Jhaunell Burnside, Milan Sharma, Rusty Batykefer 8:19.39 10:06.86 10:32.14 11:41.68 11:29.04 10:44.79
13 Monroe College Kajon Parris, Christopher Spellman, Keron Charles, Thapelo Makofane 10:00.66 12:26.08 10:32.27 11:16.53 11:03.89 11:03.89
14 St. John Fisher Grant Stokoe, Eddie Mahana, Jack Behlmaier, Andrew Ford 11:01.61 10:04.36 10:36.16 12:30.67 12:30.67 12:11.59
15 Old Goat Track Club Dan Mortimer, Paul-Henry Schoenhagen, Kyle Gerlach, Austin Scott 8:18.60 9:22.53 10:39.23 8:25.00 11:30.37 9:48.10
16 Worcester State Andrew Fottler, Joseph Grider, Brian King, Patrick Carleton 12:37.89 11:39.60 10:47.77 7:46.40 7:46.40 10:34.82
17 Utica Tyler Wright, Dean Howard, Hunter Reed, Liam Rodgers 13:38.05 11:21.71 10:49.24 9:05.37 8:58.87 12:33.12
18 Alfred State jacob wadsworth, jacob drew, Michael Allender, matt connolly 8:13.25 11:18.22 11:25.07 9:49.16 14:43.74 12:54.13
Men's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
1 American Int'l Clark, Miller, Fenton, Campion 9:52.93 12:27.10
2 SUNY Geneseo Faulkner, Hannahoe, Bellavia, Murphy 10:06.86 7:04.81
3 Christopher Newport Edwards, Waller, Wosahla, McGaw 10:09.64 8:07.72
4 Ramapo Andersen, De Los Santos, DeLaCruz, Tuohy 10:10.18 11:11.20
5 Williams Hearon, Bassett, Gannon, Estrada 10:10.84 11:42.47
6 Roberts Wesleyan Ottolini, Wottawa, Cannon, Sims 10:11.56 11:06.60
9 Tufts O'Sullivan, Witrock, Lovell, Delaney 10:23.09 10:35.56
12 Eastern Payne, Burnside, Sharma, Batykefer 10:32.14 8:00.43
Men's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
7 Oswego State Olmsted, Levine, Clifford, LeClair 12:37.51 9:49.87 9:43.66 10:20.91
8 Stevens Institute Catalano, Cucci, LaDue, Russo 12:21.01 8:24.38 13:04.59 10:22.69
10 The Heartbreakers Phillips, Waller, Edelman, Cashin 12:46.20 11:43.40 8:28.71 10:28.03
11 Union (N.Y.) Bates, Keally, Fisher, Kellner 13:07.94 7:59.07 9:46.23 10:30.35
13 Monroe College Parris, Spellman, Charles, Makofane 10:57.56 9:03.76 7:22.59 10:32.27
14 St. John Fisher Stokoe, Mahana, Behlmaier, Ford 8:22.57 12:24.31 9:19.82 10:36.16
15 Old Goat Track Club Mortimer, Schoenhagen, Gerlach, Scott 8:25.00 9:16.13 13:12.65 10:39.23
16 Worcester State Fottler, Grider, King, Carleton 10:21.86 13:49.15 11:26.64 10:47.77
17 Utica Wright, Howard, Reed, Rodgers 12:59.09 12:20.14 13:51.03 10:49.24
18 Alfred State wadsworth, drew, Allender, connolly 13:07.83 9:28.61 9:56.01 11:25.07