April 4- 6, 2019
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Women's Distance Medley Relay

1 Bucknell Ashley Blair, Harper Stewart, Tiara Tardy, Payton Capes-Davis 13:01.58 11:08.92 14:33.11 10:19.63 11:44.12 9:30.34 8:12.89 10
2 James Madison Averi Witt, Kelly Oler, Sinead Sargeant, Erica Jackson 8:35.54 13:10.96 14:07.46 10:42.66 11:46.21 12:21.52 14:21.58 8
3 Stony Brook Tara Hauff, Janelle Pottinger, Jane Clark, Clodagh O'Reilly 10:05.15 10:55.58 13:55.68 12:29.23 12:00.41 11:31.60 11:53.21 6
4 William and Mary Deirdre Casey, Josephine Landis, Deirdre Lewin, Lauren Finikiotis 10:22.50 9:46.31 13:59.65 12:40.03 12:03.83 9:17.35 12:25.55 5
5 Columbia Emily Digman, Madelyn Sessler, Rachel Kenny, Hana Sun 9:35.84 15:33.01 14:56.56 15:25.72 12:08.91 13:50.96 12:23.49 4
6 George Mason Riley Freeland, Jazmin Golden, Patrice Mitchell, Allison Rice 10:44.89 9:02.30 15:38.03 14:24.74 12:12.83 10:00.92 10:08.25 3
7 Marist Rebecca Walters, Grace Cepeda, Kayla Sexton, Kerry Gaye 14:33.27 15:39.32 13:05.21 15:54.00 12:13.84 12:28.52 10:09.09 2
8 Fordham Sydney Snow, Gabrielle Schreib, Leah Hickey, Bridget Alex 12:43.31 15:32.12 11:15.24 13:49.37 12:13.95 10:53.22 8:55.79 1
9 Stonehill Jillian Howard, Jillian Caiazzi, Anna Lastra, Alyssa Freeman 12:59.90 12:59.90 15:41.76 14:28.19 12:15.75 15:49.12 15:12.33 -
10 Delaware Tina Capparell, Kai Starnes, Mandy Odom, Emily Paolucci 15:37.10 11:55.74 9:06.03 12:10.50 12:17.87 14:23.31 14:45.45 -
11 Quinnipiac Morgan Voight, Meaghan Scullin, Ahmetra Davies, Maria Ricalton 12:49.29 12:34.50 13:33.67 12:12.31 12:19.70 11:13.13 14:10.66 -
12 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Emily Schaeffer, Bridget McNierney, Abigail Silva, Gabriella Bamford 11:58.49 13:43.27 13:13.33 12:50.88 12:28.42 13:35.78 12:28.42 -
13 Saint Francis University Catherine Jaskowak, Zoe Wicks, Taya Whitfield, Shannon Cody 10:47.23 11:02.28 13:25.28 9:39.50 12:32.59 13:10.22 12:25.07 -
14 American Elise Hooker, Kaitlyn McTernan, Emily Fisher, Arianna Lopez 10:34.48 13:43.31 11:42.46 13:13.10 12:35.33 15:44.17 14:13.53 -
15 Lock Haven Cadie Kiser, Kayla Brathwaite, Tia Judy, Laurel Moyer 16:27.43 15:49.45 9:37.27 11:16.01 12:39.56 12:39.56 13:40.33 -
16 Loyola (Md.) Kate Ragone, Gabrielle Silvestri, Carly Spinnler, Mary Sutton 11:01.61 15:27.78 15:35.38 16:05.80 12:40.47 13:03.29 15:04.96 -
17 Lynchburg Morgan Watson, Lizzie Davis, Michela Cholak, Stephanie Burnett 12:12.22 10:55.95 11:34.09 14:37.14 12:42.73 15:15.28 14:44.77 -
18 Jefferson (Pa.) Kalista Safer, Sadie Horner, Brittany Gable, Erin Young 9:06.36 15:38.81 13:35.68 13:51.07 12:49.51 15:31.11 11:55.65 -
19 Mount St. Mary's Adria Pirozzi, Madeline Kole, Tenia Jordan, Alexandra Kay 9:35.30 9:58.94 11:41.39 12:12.91 13:08.07 10:06.82 10:14.70 -
20 John Carroll Hannah Lenze, Antonia Piazza, Jamie Amoroso, Rory Vigrass 14:45.25 14:45.25 11:51.36 10:16.52 13:10.40 10:32.32 10:16.52 -
21 Delaware State Sylvia Okafor, Cydney Davis, Lananda Correia, Katarzyna Rosikon 15:46.57 11:31.41 14:48.95 13:34.87 13:43.10 12:45.49 15:46.57 -
22 Wilmington (Del.) Rosemary Gillam, Julia Merritt, Hannah Fitzpatrick, Emily Kockott 18:46.78 14:07.27 11:03.84 13:14.86 14:33.47 12:31.19 16:44.49 -
23 Virginia Wesleyan Destiny Kinka, Niya Crocker, Jocelin James, Teah Lorenzi 16:13.80 10:25.38 14:17.66 19:21.41 14:53.39 13:32.99 15:02.33 -
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
1 Bucknell Blair, Stewart, Tardy, Capes-Davis 14:11.99 12:47.49 8:12.89 11:44.12 13:57.91 10:40.75 8:26.97 10
2 James Madison Witt, Oler, Sargeant, Jackson 14:21.58 12:14.46 14:14.52 11:46.21 8:28.48 12:07.40 10:28.53 8
3 Stony Brook Hauff, Pottinger, Clark, O'Reilly 8:24.29 15:29.33 9:50.74 12:00.41 9:43.54 10:48.37 10:41.17 6
4 William and Mary Casey, Landis, Lewin, Finikiotis 14:06.89 11:20.40 8:48.40 12:03.83 8:55.64 13:08.98 9:10.11 5
5 Columbia Digman, Sessler, Kenny, Sun 14:34.70 14:20.12 8:59.40 12:08.91 13:50.96 14:20.12 14:41.99 4
6 George Mason Freeland, Golden, Mitchell, Rice 14:10.09 15:45.35 12:56.80 12:12.83 12:05.51 12:42.15 9:24.28 3
7 Marist Walters, Cepeda, Sexton, Gaye 9:32.40 11:59.17 13:41.90 12:13.84 12:50.54 9:25.06 15:09.97 2
8 Fordham Snow, Schreib, Hickey, Alex 15:46.80 12:50.65 11:37.26 12:13.95 12:43.31 9:39.82 11:22.58 1
9 Stonehill Howard, Caiazzi, Lastra, Freeman 9:55.96 11:46.32 15:49.12 12:15.75 13:36.69 10:54.82 14:50.26 -
10 Delaware Capparell, Starnes, Odom, Paolucci 15:51.86 13:09.52 10:27.19 12:17.87 15:14.96 11:26.22 10:27.19 -
19 Mount St. Mary's Pirozzi, Kole, Jordan, Kay 14:58.40 14:50.52 16:17.21 13:08.07 11:33.51 15:14.17 11:57.15 -
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
11 Quinnipiac Voight, Scullin, Davies, Ricalton 12:19.70 15:32.03 15:54.22 14:03.26 12:41.90 12:27.10 -
12 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Schaeffer, McNierney, Silva, Bamford 12:28.42 15:28.04 11:36.03 16:12.95 15:13.08 12:20.94 -
13 Saint Francis University Jaskowak, Wicks, Whitfield, Cody 12:32.59 9:31.97 15:40.74 9:54.55 10:02.08 10:54.76 -
14 American Hooker, McTernan, Fisher, Lopez 12:35.33 15:36.61 13:50.87 16:14.38 10:34.48 9:26.50 -
15 Lock Haven Kiser, Brathwaite, Judy, Moyer 12:39.56 13:17.54 8:51.70 16:04.65 10:30.44 13:47.92 -
16 Loyola (Md.) Ragone, Silvestri, Spinnler, Sutton 12:40.47 13:18.50 10:38.80 11:32.03 9:37.96 8:52.33 -
17 Lynchburg Watson, Davis, Cholak, Burnett 12:42.73 13:51.38 10:48.32 10:40.70 13:28.50 12:19.85 -
18 Jefferson (Pa.) Safer, Horner, Gable, Young 12:49.51 15:00.33 13:35.68 15:15.72 12:49.51 10:23.31 -
20 John Carroll Lenze, Piazza, Amoroso, Vigrass 13:10.40 13:42.02 15:16.87 9:13.28 14:53.16 13:57.83 -
21 Delaware State Okafor, Davis, Correia, Rosikon 13:43.10 15:30.11 14:07.80 16:44.19 17:41.80 13:43.10 -
22 Wilmington (Del.) Gillam, Merritt, Fitzpatrick, Kockott 14:33.47 17:19.43 13:32.33 11:47.51 12:48.66 15:52.09 -
23 Virginia Wesleyan Kinka, Crocker, James, Lorenzi 14:53.39 16:13.80 18:36.74 17:34.20 18:01.01 10:52.18 -