April 7, 2007
Strehle Track, Pomona College - Claremont, CA

Women's 800 Meters

1 Lache Bailey   Santa Monica Track Club 2:33.53 2:09.01 1:57.40
2 Roseline Agboke SR VS Athletics TC 2:15.63 2:09.17 2:16.92
3 Alisha Bezanson   Unattached 1:54.90 2:12.06 2:38.48
4 Aeron Arlin Genet   running divas 1:37.59 2:13.68 2:52.45
5 Sharla Platt Sophomore Southern Utah 1:42.41 2:14.74 1:47.80
6 Holly Hobson   Unattached 2:46.4 2:15.3 1:36.0
7 Kelsey Connor Sophomore USC 3:01.13 2:19.33 2:55.56
8 Gina Attard Junior Vanguard 2:47.34 2:19.45 2:26.43
9 Melissa Margulies Sophomore USC 2:44.8 2:19.7 3:00.2
10 Carly Holman   Calgary International T.C. 2:00.74 2:20.39 1:45.30
11 Jean Bolen   Cal. Warriors 2:22.15 2:20.74 1:54.00
12 Amanda Johnson Freshman Fresno Pacific 2:18.17 2:20.99 2:32.27
13 Onesa Bowman-Williams Freshman Redlands 3:02.5 2:21.5 2:46.9
14 diana joyner Senior Unattached 2:33.08 2:21.74 1:56.23
15 Chanel Fischetti Freshman USC 2:50.63 2:22.19 2:03.71
16 Dora Yanez Freshman Fresno Pacific 1:48.09 2:22.22 1:58.05
17 Holly Stockall   Caltaf 2:45.05 2:22.28 1:43.87
18 Grace Jepngetich Sophomore Vanguard 2:18.03 2:22.29 2:53.60
19 Kelly Corrad   CSU Dominguez Hills 2:29.68 2:23.92 2:32.56
20 Katja Goldring   KG 2:48.5 2:24.1 2:26.9
21 Karen Ring   Pomona-Pitzer 2:43.31 2:24.52 2:07.18
22 Erin Patterson Freshman Whittier 3:03.89 2:24.79 1:45.70
23 Renee Denolf Freshman Redlands 2:22.03 2:24.92 1:51.59
24 Denise Salceda   Cal Poly Pomona 2:18.4 2:25.7 2:05.3
25 Jennifer Wells Freshman USC 1:52.33 2:25.88 2:06.92
26 Jessica Vaughan Freshman Unattached 2:43.48 2:25.96 2:34.72
27 Breanne Wiggins Sophomore Westmont 2:26.33 2:26.33 1:43.90
28 Emma Hoaglund Sophomore St. Benedict 3:06.48 2:26.83 2:19.49
29 Kara Orwoll Freshman St. Benedict 2:56.0 2:27.9 2:47.1
30 Alyx Chapman Freshman St. Benedict 1:46.77 2:28.28 3:06.84
31 Brittany Phillips Junior Fresno Pacific 2:50.62 2:29.66 2:31.16
32 Liz Tribelhorn Sophomore Occidental 2:08.03 2:32.41 2:41.56
33 Lindsay Vitort Sophomore Loyola Marymount 1:51.62 2:35.02 2:41.22
34 Emily Tolbert   Cal Poly Pomona 2:09.77 2:36.35 2:42.61
35 Libby Nowak Junior Milwaukee Sch. of Eng. 2:37.95 2:36.38 3:15.48
36 Kristina Tielens Junior Milwaukee Sch. of Eng. 2:43.5 2:37.3 2:34.1
37 Keiko Noda   Cal Poly Pomona 2:16.63 2:38.87 3:21.77
38 Emily Daggett Senior Occidental 2:59.72 2:39.04 3:26.76
39 Claire Balch Junior Vanguard 3:12.96 2:43.52 2:14.09
40 Annitta Bingham Sophomore Cal St. Bakersfield 3:31.97 2:48.23 3:00.01
41 Lauren Wong   Cal Poly Pomona 2:31.62 2:50.35 3:29.53
Women's 800 Meters Section 1
1 Lache Bailey   Santa Monica Track Club 2:21.92 2:09.01 2:28.37
2 Roseline Agboke SR VS Athletics TC 2:32.42 2:09.17 1:45.92
3 Alisha Bezanson   Unattached 2:49.04 2:12.06 2:09.42
4 Aeron Arlin Genet   running divas 2:37.75 2:13.68 2:35.07
5 Sharla Platt Sophomore Southern Utah 1:59.92 2:14.74 2:47.08
6 Holly Hobson   Unattached 1:46.8 2:15.3 2:07.1
7 Kelsey Connor Sophomore USC 2:58.35 2:19.33 2:26.30
14 diana joyner Senior Unattached 1:43.47 2:21.74 2:24.58
15 Chanel Fischetti Freshman USC 2:34.99 2:22.19 2:17.93
19 Kelly Corrad   CSU Dominguez Hills 2:03.78 2:23.92 3:02.78
25 Jennifer Wells Freshman USC 2:14.21 2:25.88 2:01.08
Women's 800 Meters Section 2
8 Gina Attard Junior Vanguard 2:19.45
9 Melissa Margulies Sophomore USC 2:19.7
10 Carly Holman   Calgary International T.C. 2:20.39
11 Jean Bolen   Cal. Warriors 2:20.74
12 Amanda Johnson Freshman Fresno Pacific 2:20.99
13 Onesa Bowman-Williams Freshman Redlands 2:21.5
18 Grace Jepngetich Sophomore Vanguard 2:22.29
20 Katja Goldring   KG 2:24.1
Women's 800 Meters Section 3
16 Dora Yanez Freshman Fresno Pacific 2:22.22 2:46.40
17 Holly Stockall   Caltaf 2:22.28 2:46.47
21 Karen Ring   Pomona-Pitzer 2:24.52 2:21.63
23 Renee Denolf Freshman Redlands 2:24.92 1:58.84
24 Denise Salceda   Cal Poly Pomona 2:25.7 2:30.0
26 Jessica Vaughan Freshman Unattached 2:25.96 2:08.45
28 Emma Hoaglund Sophomore St. Benedict 2:26.83 1:53.06
30 Alyx Chapman Freshman St. Benedict 2:28.28 2:29.77
31 Brittany Phillips Junior Fresno Pacific 2:29.66 2:47.62
34 Emily Tolbert   Cal Poly Pomona 2:36.35 2:36.35
Women's 800 Meters Section 4
22 Erin Patterson Freshman Whittier 2:27.69 2:16.11 2:03.08 1:55.84 2:24.79
27 Breanne Wiggins Sophomore Westmont 1:57.07 2:54.14 3:04.38 1:52.68 2:26.33
29 Kara Orwoll Freshman St. Benedict 2:14.5 2:16.0 2:24.9 3:07.8 2:27.9
32 Liz Tribelhorn Sophomore Occidental 2:46.13 3:08.99 1:51.26 3:16.61 2:32.41
33 Lindsay Vitort Sophomore Loyola Marymount 1:51.62 2:07.12 2:02.47 1:50.07 2:35.02
35 Libby Nowak Junior Milwaukee Sch. of Eng. 2:00.42 1:54.16 3:20.17 1:51.03 2:36.38
36 Kristina Tielens Junior Milwaukee Sch. of Eng. 2:49.8 1:57.9 2:27.8 2:26.2 2:37.3
37 Keiko Noda   Cal Poly Pomona 2:53.17 2:18.22 2:26.16 2:37.29 2:38.87
38 Emily Daggett Senior Occidental 2:04.06 3:10.85 2:29.50 1:51.33 2:39.04
39 Claire Balch Junior Vanguard 2:02.64 2:04.28 3:11.32 3:24.40 2:43.52
40 Annitta Bingham Sophomore Cal St. Bakersfield 2:44.87 2:51.60 3:01.69 2:24.68 2:48.23
41 Lauren Wong   Cal Poly Pomona 3:26.13 2:17.99 2:43.54 2:02.66 2:50.35