February 9-10, 2018
SPIRE Institute Indoor Track & Field Facility - Geneva, OH
300m (Flat)

Women's 4 x 400 Relay

1 Notre Dame A Allison Bartoszewicz, Madysen Hunter, Summer Thorpe, Jordan Shead 3:14.56 4:03.20 3:41.09 2:54.67 4:09.84
2 University of Toronto Track C A Samantha Ford, Rachel Jewett, Jocelyn Chau, Sarah Wells 3:50.29 4:23.51 3:41.43 4:34.58 2:50.51
3 Penn State A Rachael DeCecco, Victoria Tachinski, Frances Bull, Madeline Holmberg 2:56.37 3:07.53 3:43.25 3:18.70 4:14.51
4 York University A Nicolette Witherspoon, Christy Ihumaegbo, Marvelous Agbonwanete, Courtney Dwyer 3:17.02 3:08.06 3:43.88 4:08.51 4:33.14
5 Toronto A Jazz Shukla, Madeleine Kelly, Lucia Stafford, Katrina Innanen 4:20.49 3:40.07 3:44.56 4:38.46 2:59.65
6 Fresno State A Nailah Harris-Murillo, Njeri Omawahleh, Ellie Leather, Morgan Lewis 4:08.73 2:54.11 3:46.11 2:47.33 3:46.11
7 Western Michigan A Ashley Worford, Erin Dowd, Davonne Bolden, Alex Bryant 3:43.78 3:34.56 3:50.70 3:50.70 4:09.16
8 Rutgers A Arianne Strunkey, Bria Saunders, Kayla Jackson, Ariel Strunkey 3:48.72 3:14.07 3:51.03 4:55.72 3:23.31
9 Robert Morris A Eugenia Gil-Soriano, Madison Mueseler, Anna Chasovskaia, Hanne Claus 4:05.49 4:54.12 3:51.59 3:23.80 2:42.12
10 Toronto
B Victoria McIntyre, Gillian Ceyhan, Bella Efremenko, Carolyn Adams 2:42.15 4:47.23 3:51.63 2:42.15 4:28.69
11 Chicago State A Toniann Ewen, Aleah Wilson, London Nelson, Jocindra Glee 3:03.99 2:59.33 3:52.89 4:32.49 2:45.36
12 Western Michigan
B Gabby Collins, Diamond Mitchell, Erica Sheahan, Madison Meredith 4:20.77 4:34.86 3:54.92 2:46.80 4:37.21
13 University of Toronto Track C
B Maya Ryan, Alicia Brown, Haley Walker 4:22.88 4:53.95 3:58.98 4:58.73 4:15.71
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 Notre Dame Bartoszewicz, Hunter, Thorpe, Shead 3:41.09
2 University of Toronto Track C Ford, Jewett, Chau, Wells 3:41.43
3 Penn State DeCecco, Tachinski, Bull, Holmberg 3:43.25
5 Toronto Shukla, Kelly, Stafford, Innanen 3:44.56
7 Western Michigan Worford, Dowd, Bolden, Bryant 3:50.70
8 Rutgers Strunkey, Saunders, Jackson, Strunkey 3:51.03
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
4 York University Witherspoon, Ihumaegbo, Agbonwanete, Dwyer 3:43.88
6 Fresno State Harris-Murillo, Omawahleh, Leather, Lewis 3:46.11
9 Robert Morris Gil-Soriano, Mueseler, Chasovskaia, Claus 3:51.59
10 Toronto
McIntyre, Ceyhan, Efremenko, Adams 3:51.63
11 Chicago State Ewen, Wilson, Nelson, Glee 3:52.89
12 Western Michigan
Collins, Mitchell, Sheahan, Meredith 3:54.92
13 University of Toronto Track C
Ryan, Brown, Walker 3:58.98