March 29-April 1, 2017
Texas-Mike A. Myers Stadium - Austin, TX

Girls 4,000m Distance Medley High School

1 Katy Brooke Lomax, Mallory Morgan, Olivia Einarsson, Abigail Brudnick 12:04.05
2 The Woodlands Emily Mills, Maria Moriarity, Courtney Ekness, Lourdes Vivas 12:11.93
3 Keller Julia Black, Brianna Gilchrist, Isabel Van Camp, Abbey Santoro 12:18.79
4 Lewisville Flower Mound Grace Graves, Katherine Pottorff, Vassi Gianitsos, Laura Fairchild 12:28.91
5 Plano Steffi Jones, Kennedy Blackmon, Bianca Carroccio, Ashlyn Hillyard 12:29.37
6 New Braunfels Sophie McKenzie, Dora Arzabala, Sarah Wuest, Madison Henry 12:31.76
7 Pearland Shelby Devereaux, Christen Franklin, Sydney Devereaux, Kara Decker 12:32.39
8 Katy Cinco Ranch Isabelle Nielson, Amira Cooks, Mackenzie Duck, Megan Hopper 12:40.30
9 Lewisville Hebron Aaliya Fazel, Andie Brown, Hannah Pettigrew, Abby Riordan 12:41.25
10 Prosper Allie Taylor, Tatum Castillo, Anna Hornyak, Abby Williams 12:42.77
11 Katy Seven Lakes Tori Welkener, Laura Broman, Camilla Broman, Angie Pena 12:42.80
12 Canyon Randall Madelyn Ketels, Makayla Thomas, Hanna Moreno, Karyss Betzen 12:44.06
13 Austin Vandegrift Jordan Mathis, Adeline Carter, Emi McCollum, Allison Mopsik 12:45.47
14 Lewisville The Colony Haeley Pines, Ronique Caldwell, Ashli Mendoza, Madison Acosta 12:46.21
15 Spring Branch Smithson Valley Meggan Muzquiz, Jane Uduji, Mackenzie Jensen, Cambria Clark 12:48.39
16 Plano East Eva Wilk, Aimee Chihuahua, Makayla Conroy, Martha Brown 12:48.75
17 Lafayette Taylor Stansbury, Gentry Jacquet, Angelle Primeaux, Sydney Minor 12:50.08
18 Houston Stratford Hope Sage, Ella Gibb, Fay Gibb, Maddie Harms 12:50.16
19 Lewisville Marcus Camryn Rogers, Alexandra Lane, Caitlyn Reimer, Quinn Owen 12:54.28
20 Boerne Champion Kelsie Vicknair, Hayden Stadler, Anna Norman, Hadley Wilfong 12:54.31
21 Pearland Dawson Michelle Mayer, Kiah Johnson, Lilly Powers, Darby Gauntt 12:55.13
22 Northwest Nelson Madeleine Knisley, Shauntel Frye, Kylie Ethredge, Cassidy Teuscher 12:56.92
23 El Paso Socorro Susanne Sides, Amaris Hinojos, Natalie Gomez, Jessica Dominguez 12:57.35
24 St. Michaels Catholic Mary Hodapp, Tara Senn, Kinga Parrish, Alexandria Glenn 12:58.89
25 Coppell Madeline Hulcy, Kaitlyn Hernandez, Sydney Rowe, Isabella Iseley 12:59.81
26 Dallas Highland Park Maddy Stephens, Ashley Booe, Grace Beitter, Grace O'Keefe 13:03.38
27 San Antonio Brandeis Catalina Cerda, Maya Puller, Deborah Salcido, Celesia Smith 13:07.04
28 Houston Cypress Falls Jean Jenkins, Jada Chambers, Shelby Hrehor, Alexis Dunn 13:07.74
29 Long Beach Wilson Sabrina Del Bello, Lauryn Johnson, Sami Fraga, Kennedy Meyer 13:08.19
30 Liberty Christian School Elizabeth Reneau, Morgan Monschke, Allyson Jones, Grace Beasley 13:09.16
31 Cedar Park Jaida Lyles, Holly Ruckel, Sophia Roach, Sarah Pia 13:11.75
32 Ursuline Academy Elise Welch, Sarah Stuecheli, Emily Mount, Caroline Miller 13:12.38
33 San Antonio Holmes Alexis Quintero, Nayelly Gonzalez, Mia Garcia, Madison Howard 13:14.71
34 Richmond George Ranch Katia Davis, Victoria Tennon, Brooke Johnson, Theresa McComiskey 13:17.39
35 Brenham Alexis Antkowiak, Makenna Schroeder, Alauna Stackhouse, Meredith Clayton 13:24.08
36 Hockaday School Lizzie Raff, Katherine Lake, Adoette Vaughan, Elli Newman 13:27.56
37 Katy Tompkins Kiersten Potter, Erica Beaird, Sofia Rubio, Alyssa Balandran 13:29.46
38 Johns Creek Madigan Wallace, Carly Swanson, Sarika Gowda, Allison Rothrock 13:31.20
39 Houston Cypress Woods Naomi Davis, Clara Hoelscher, Calise Moore, Amber Byrd 13:41.15
Girls 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 1
9 Lewisville Hebron Fazel, Brown, Pettigrew, Riordan 16:22.02 10:16.62 15:36.34 12:41.25 12:41.25 12:18.42 14:43.05
12 Canyon Randall Ketels, Thomas, Moreno, Betzen 10:11.25 12:05.86 9:33.05 10:49.45 12:44.06 15:55.08 9:33.05
13 Austin Vandegrift Mathis, Carter, McCollum, Mopsik 15:18.57 9:11.14 10:58.31 11:13.62 12:45.47 14:02.02 9:34.11
14 Lewisville The Colony Pines, Caldwell, Mendoza, Acosta 10:05.31 11:29.59 13:24.52 15:27.12 12:46.21 12:00.24 11:06.61
20 Boerne Champion Vicknair, Stadler, Norman, Wilfong 16:07.89 14:58.20 12:00.11 10:50.42 12:54.31 16:46.61 16:31.12
21 Pearland Dawson Mayer, Johnson, Powers, Gauntt 11:06.62 9:56.85 14:35.90 13:57.14 12:55.13 13:18.39 16:16.67
22 Northwest Nelson Knisley, Frye, Ethredge, Teuscher 12:18.08 10:37.08 13:28.00 9:03.85 12:56.92 12:49.15 12:33.62
23 El Paso Socorro Sides, Hinojos, Gomez, Dominguez 14:38.41 11:47.39 10:21.88 9:35.24 12:57.35 13:05.13 13:05.13
24 St. Michaels Catholic Hodapp, Senn, Parrish, Glenn 10:46.48 15:50.25 12:43.32 11:56.58 12:58.89 10:38.69 10:30.90
26 Dallas Highland Park Stephens, Booe, Beitter, O'Keefe 14:29.56 12:08.55 10:50.21 16:27.06 13:03.38 9:16.20 11:05.88
27 San Antonio Brandeis Cerda, Puller, Salcido, Smith 9:10.93 11:56.21 14:57.23 15:36.58 13:07.04 10:21.77 14:17.88
28 Houston Cypress Falls Jenkins, Chambers, Hrehor, Dunn 15:37.41 15:37.41 14:50.15 16:56.19 13:07.74 10:06.56 11:48.97
30 Liberty Christian School Reneau, Monschke, Jones, Beasley 17:05.91 16:50.13 10:07.66 12:45.49 13:09.16 16:18.56 13:24.95
31 Cedar Park Lyles, Ruckel, Roach, Pia 14:30.93 14:23.01 16:45.53 10:41.32 13:11.75 10:33.40 10:33.40
32 Ursuline Academy Welch, Stuecheli, Mount, Miller 13:28.23 11:13.53 10:25.98 11:37.30 13:12.38 15:27.09 15:19.16
33 San Antonio Holmes Quintero, Gonzalez, Garcia, Howard 10:19.88 10:03.98 11:07.56 14:42.13 13:14.71 16:09.55 15:29.81
35 Brenham Antkowiak, Schroeder, Stackhouse, Clayton 10:19.15 17:09.23 14:20.37 11:55.64 13:24.08 12:11.72 15:00.57
36 Hockaday School Raff, Lake, Vaughan, Newman 10:54.13 11:42.58 13:51.79 15:44.85 13:27.56 16:09.08 16:49.45
38 Johns Creek Wallace, Swanson, Gowda, Rothrock 10:32.74 10:32.74 17:02.12 10:32.74 13:31.20 14:44.21 16:13.44
39 Houston Cypress Woods Davis, Hoelscher, Moore, Byrd 11:13.35 10:24.08 12:10.83 13:41.15 13:41.15 9:34.81 15:11.48
Girls 4,000m Distance Medley High School Section 2
1 Katy Lomax, Morgan, Einarsson, Brudnick 10:37.17 12:04.05
2 The Woodlands Mills, Moriarity, Ekness, Vivas 12:41.21 12:11.93
3 Keller Black, Gilchrist, Van Camp, Santoro 15:16.10 12:18.79
4 Lewisville Flower Mound Graves, Pottorff, Gianitsos, Fairchild 9:06.71 12:28.91
5 Plano Jones, Blackmon, Carroccio, Hillyard 11:59.40 12:29.37
6 New Braunfels McKenzie, Arzabala, Wuest, Henry 11:16.59 12:31.76
7 Pearland Devereaux, Franklin, Devereaux, Decker 9:39.34 12:32.39
8 Katy Cinco Ranch Nielson, Cooks, Duck, Hopper 16:05.58 12:40.30
10 Prosper Taylor, Castillo, Hornyak, Williams 9:24.45 12:42.77
11 Katy Seven Lakes Welkener, Broman, Broman, Pena 13:05.69 12:42.80
15 Spring Branch Smithson Valley Muzquiz, Uduji, Jensen, Clark 11:46.92 12:48.39
16 Plano East Wilk, Chihuahua, Conroy, Brown 10:07.32 12:48.75
17 Lafayette Stansbury, Jacquet, Primeaux, Minor 13:36.29 12:50.08
18 Houston Stratford Sage, Gibb, Gibb, Harms 9:14.52 12:50.16
19 Lewisville Marcus Rogers, Lane, Reimer, Owen 11:13.63 12:54.28
25 Coppell Hulcy, Hernandez, Rowe, Iseley 13:15.41 12:59.81
29 Long Beach Wilson Del Bello, Johnson, Fraga, Meyer 13:00.31 13:08.19
34 Richmond George Ranch Davis, Tennon, Johnson, McComiskey 16:44.72 13:17.39
37 Katy Tompkins Potter, Beaird, Rubio, Balandran 10:39.48 13:29.46