April 27-30, 2016
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8

1 Ankeny Southview MS Alecia Smith, Dajah Baptiste, Malea Daugherty, Jasmine Rumley 52.42 43.51 42.46 52.42
2 Indian Hills MS Jayda Allen, Mya Moore, Jacey Spann, Kya Stilwell 53.90 1:06.84 40.97 52.83
3 Timberline MS Sophie Finken, Zoey Stark, Abby Vogel, Addie Drees 54.32 1:06.27 55.95 41.83
4 Merrill MS Ava Denner, Alivia Ovrum, Anna Gilbreath, Aeliyah Battle 54.35 52.18 53.27 59.25
5 Ankeny Centennial MS Kayla Eilander, Karenna Larson, Hannah Wilson, Calea Jones 54.55 58.92 42.55 59.46
6 Weeks MS Delanie Scharer, Mariyah Johnson, Sabrina Vongpbandu, Aliciah Vasquez 54.59 48.04 52.41 57.87
7 Gehlen Catholic MS Kennedy Ruhland, Kate Hill, Valeria Uribe, Sydney Livermore 54.77 47.65 1:00.25 47.11
8 Newton MS Liv Whitten, Kameron Nehring, Emma Dunsbergen, Allie Norrell 55.33 58.10 1:04.74 1:08.06
9 Meredith MS Nakya Kelly, Zipporah Hurst, Tyra Miller, Esther Ubadigbo 55.39 50.41 43.21 47.64
10 Prairieview MS Eliza Waage, Grace Terhark, Mason Nickolaus, Delfina Mihura 55.45 48.25 1:01.55 1:09.87
11 Urbandale MS Sarah Pattschull, Mahayla Claiser, Aubrey Adams, Faith Putz 55.72 49.59 53.50 1:00.74
12 St. Francis of Assisi MS Meg Simplot, Anna Kirchhoff, Molly Clendenin, Mira Baccile 55.76 1:08.03 41.27 52.98
13 Callanan MS Emma Linn, Sunnie Stickel, Joseo Solo, Jhamae Morales 56.09 1:07.87 48.24 1:12.36
14 Albia MS Danica Workman, Allison Major, Lindsey Manser, Abbey Manser 56.21 58.46 44.41 46.10
15 Clayton Ridge MS Hannah Ruzicka, Anna Harwick, Sierra Palmer, Kaleigh Reed 56.22 55.66 1:08.59 1:11.97
16 Amos Hiatt MS Ashanti Young, Terriana Smith, Donnaya Snyder, Kimeshia Star 56.23 1:06.92 1:05.23 1:07.48
17 Sacred Heart MS Mallory Wilson, Abouk Garang, Forest Kuestner-Burles, Molly Wright 57.02 59.30 49.04 51.89
18 St. Augustin MS Lizzie Erickson, Annie Flood, Catherine Haus, Kathryn Pierick 57.21 46.92 1:09.23 48.06
19 Central Elkader MS Isabella Moore, Riley Schroeder, Jasmine Mueller, Hannah Erickson 57.40 43.05 47.07 51.66
20 Waverly-Shell Rock MS Haley Eckerman, Britney Young, Liberty Epley, Haley Shaw 57.45 41.94 1:05.50 43.09
21 McCombs MS Jalyiah Miller, Victoria Heard, Madia Sayonkon, Paradise Walker-Cain 57.50 1:03.25 1:07.85 1:04.40
22 Holy Trinity MS Amber Altman, Katie Broderick, Ella Huekendorf, Bridget Nolan 57.67 55.94 49.60 57.10
23 Dunkerton MS Macy Tisue, Savannah Swanson, Lily Fettkether, Julia Rindels 58.11 50.56 1:14.38 1:03.34
24 St. Theresa MS Julia Shonka, Lauren Pogemiller, Gabby Chiodo, Breighlyn Kowalczyk 58.13 1:12.09 50.00 54.06
25 Goodrell MS Barinua Godpower, Emilie Youngworth, Janhia Sherrill, Joshaee Watkins 58.17 47.12 54.68 43.63
26 Perry MS Quinn Whiton, Narale Cerna, Kennedy Turninik, Jasmin Shriver 59.08 57.31 1:15.04 45.50
27 Christ The King MS Crystal Castellano, Karla Ramirez, Mollie Moist, Peyton Riewer 59.74 49.59 59.74 1:01.54
28 St. Pius X MS Ellie Goodman, Kate Cain, Erin Kleppe, Ny Toang 1:00.08 57.68 49.87 1:00.08
29 Harding MS Trinity Anderson, Keirra Martin, Aiyanna Mitchell, Briana Phillips 1:00.48 1:11.37 1:10.77 1:00.48
30 Colfax Mingo MS Abbey McConeghey, Jodine Woods, Daytin Jones, Crystal Lincoln 1:01.85 50.10 1:13.61 48.87
31 Bergman Academy MS Lily Raker, Zoe Fanter, Maya Owens, Emily Nelson 1:03.18 54.34 1:06.97 54.97
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
6 Weeks MS Scharer, Johnson, Vongpbandu, Vasquez 56.78 49.68 54.59 1:04.97 52.41
7 Gehlen Catholic MS Ruhland, Hill, Uribe, Livermore 47.65 54.77 54.77 1:04.08 1:08.47
9 Meredith MS Kelly, Hurst, Miller, Ubadigbo 58.16 58.72 55.39 43.76 1:08.13
14 Albia MS Workman, Major, Manser, Manser 1:08.58 1:10.83 56.21 58.46 1:02.96
18 St. Augustin MS Erickson, Flood, Haus, Pierick 1:08.66 56.07 57.21 1:05.80 1:14.38
24 St. Theresa MS Shonka, Pogemiller, Chiodo, Kowalczyk 1:13.25 55.23 58.13 1:13.83 1:09.76
27 Christ The King MS Castellano, Ramirez, Moist, Riewer 1:05.12 1:00.94 59.74 51.98 1:00.34
30 Colfax Mingo MS McConeghey, Woods, Jones, Lincoln 1:07.42 1:06.18 1:01.85 50.10 1:12.37
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
1 Ankeny Southview MS Smith, Baptiste, Daugherty, Rumley 45.61 52.42 48.75 45.09
2 Indian Hills MS Allen, Moore, Spann, Stilwell 56.60 53.90 1:08.46 39.89
3 Timberline MS Finken, Stark, Vogel, Drees 49.98 54.32 53.24 38.57
16 Amos Hiatt MS Young, Smith, Snyder, Star 1:01.29 56.23 1:10.85 55.11
22 Holy Trinity MS Altman, Broderick, Huekendorf, Nolan 59.98 57.67 45.56 1:07.48
28 St. Pius X MS Goodman, Cain, Kleppe, Toang 1:06.09 1:00.08 53.48 43.26
29 Harding MS Anderson, Martin, Mitchell, Phillips 55.04 1:00.48 1:05.93 1:18.02
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
5 Ankeny Centennial MS Eilander, Larson, Wilson, Jones 1:07.65 54.55
10 Prairieview MS Waage, Terhark, Nickolaus, Mihura 1:05.99 55.45
11 Urbandale MS Pattschull, Claiser, Adams, Putz 1:04.08 55.72
12 St. Francis of Assisi MS Simplot, Kirchhoff, Clendenin, Baccile 51.86 55.76
19 Central Elkader MS Moore, Schroeder, Mueller, Erickson 1:14.05 57.40
21 McCombs MS Miller, Heard, Sayonkon, Walker-Cain 1:11.30 57.50
25 Goodrell MS Godpower, Youngworth, Sherrill, Watkins 1:10.39 58.17
26 Perry MS Whiton, Cerna, Turninik, Shriver 41.36 59.08
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
4 Merrill MS Denner, Ovrum, Gilbreath, Battle 48.38 54.35 1:00.33 1:03.59 1:02.51 49.46
8 Newton MS Whitten, Nehring, Dunsbergen, Norrell 43.71 55.33 1:01.42 39.29 39.84 1:11.38
13 Callanan MS Linn, Stickel, Solo, Morales 55.53 56.09 42.63 54.41 1:02.26 43.75
15 Clayton Ridge MS Ruzicka, Harwick, Palmer, Reed 1:06.34 56.22 49.48 51.16 1:00.16 47.79
17 Sacred Heart MS Wilson, Garang, Kuestner-Burles, Wright 52.46 57.02 1:01.02 1:13.56 1:10.71 1:05.58
20 Waverly-Shell Rock MS Eckerman, Young, Epley, Shaw 54.58 57.45 45.96 55.73 42.52 50.56
23 Dunkerton MS Tisue, Swanson, Fettkether, Rindels 55.21 58.11 46.49 43.59 1:12.64 59.86
31 Bergman Academy MS Raker, Fanter, Owens, Nelson 56.87 1:03.18 50.55 1:06.97 1:10.77 1:02.55