March 31-April 2, 2016
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Men's 4 x 1500 Relay

1 Iona A Johannes Motschmann, Brandon Allen, Jake Byrne, Sebastian Hendel 19:13.17 18:07.01 13:04.54 15:45.22 10
2 Providence A Harvey Dixon, Julian Oakley, Trevor Crawley, Marcus Karamanolis 17:29.34 19:32.24 14:48.63 15:45.35 8
3 American A Benjamin Doiron, Chandler Ross, Matthew Rainey, Alaeldin Tirba 16:24.93 16:24.93 20:23.99 15:56.24 6
4 William and Mary A Cavender Salvadori, Ryan McGorty, Ryan Gousse, Dawson Connell 16:45.28 19:28.04 18:11.45 15:57.41 5
5 Christopher Newport A Austin Conway, William Rabil, Daniel Read, Zachary Campbell 12:21.83 20:13.90 19:16.10 16:03.41 4
6 Detroit A Charlie Felton, Ben Kendell, Derek Gielarowski, Ryan Hofsess 15:31.39 17:56.91 11:57.94 16:10.19 3
7 Iona
B Otis Ubriaco, Mike O'Dowd, Andrew Tario, Andy Adamovics 14:14.44 11:58.51 19:54.27 16:10.95 -
8 Lock Haven A Ben Robinson, Sean Weidner, Patrick Miller, Alex Coburn 17:38.72 13:45.61 12:18.19 16:11.30 2
9 Columbia A Tyler Otterstedt, Johain Ounadjela, Alex Freemantle, Charlie Theiss 12:08.64 16:40.67 17:48.68 16:11.52 1
10 UMass Lowell A Daniel Schmith, Michael Kalenoski, Randy Nong, Ryan Hayes 13:17.01 17:29.72 15:23.37 16:11.96 -
11 Charlotte A Tom Nobles, Zach Greth, Daniel Beamer, Alex Sumida 20:58.50 17:43.39 19:59.97 16:15.58 -
12 Johns Hopkins A Charles Thornton, Kevin Peters, John McMullin, Scott Pourshalchi 19:51.79 17:35.02 18:14.10 16:16.87 -
13 Shippensburg A Dominic Stroh, Cole Nissley, Harrison Schettler, Bernard England 11:44.79 14:31.20 13:52.04 16:18.87 -
14 Stonehill A Alex Demeule, Lucas Taxter, Sam Bradford, Riley Dowd 20:46.22 19:57.15 20:26.59 16:21.27 -
15 La Salle A Ben DeVenezia, Andrew Gorsuch, David Ozarowski, Chris Berry 14:35.09 13:36.09 16:03.58 16:23.24 -
16 Marist A Saad Baig, Steven Morrison, Stefan Morton, Steven Rizzo 20:39.45 16:33.53 16:43.37 16:23.69 -
17 Charlotte
B Aaron Gebhart, Carl Walton Jr., Josh Barrett, Nick Kreiling 11:49.38 20:02.00 21:01.11 16:25.24 -
18 St. Joseph's (Pa.) A John Podles, David Garton, Quinn Davis, Jack Daly 12:19.47 15:46.52 14:47.36 16:25.95 -
19 Saint Francis (Pa.) A Shaun Allen, Jeremie Venne, Kyle Penney, Brian Hackman 15:37.38 14:57.91 16:26.71 16:26.71 -
20 Fordham A Jake Duckworth, Michael Campbell, Ryan McGann, Michael Turi 15:31.04 18:39.22 12:32.75 16:30.46 -
21 George Mason A Trent Lancaster, Josh Parshall, Marcus Hatchett, Luke Sharkey 15:11.34 16:10.77 16:20.68 16:30.58 -
22 UMBC A Jonathan Luckin, Patrick Duboyce, Rhys Burgett, Lorenzo Neil 14:07.29 13:27.42 12:07.68 16:36.81 -
23 Christopher Newport
B Cullen Monahan, Peyton Artz, Samuel LeHardy, Nicholas Broemmel 15:30.89 15:40.90 16:30.94 16:40.95 -
24 St. Joseph's (Pa.)
B Sean Macpherson, Jimmy Daniels, David Dorsey, Shawn Hutchison 17:15.74 11:53.96 13:14.40 16:45.57 -
25 Rider A Nasser Zayer, Sam Knipper, David Paduani, Ryan Dritschel 20:48.39 15:36.29 13:05.28 16:46.76 -
26 VCU A Calvin Wood, Bismillah Alidost, Austin Lushinski, Anteneh Girma 19:06.56 15:03.04 13:01.28 16:54.65 -
27 William and Mary
B Ryan Onders, Paul Gates, Andrew Cacciatore, Nathan Thomas 15:35.79 12:32.70 20:51.11 16:57.16 -
28 Stonehill
B Robert Massey, James Murphy, Adam Rego, Alex Southiere 12:14.53 21:25.42 14:16.95 17:00.17 -
29 Marist
B Joe Miller, Brian Henderson, Mark Vuono, Palmer Weimann 19:15.74 15:16.26 22:23.15 17:21.20 -
  Bucknell A William Bordash, Chad Sussman, John Kirna, Benjamin Mueller DQ DQ DQ DQ -
Men's 4 x 1500 Relay Section 1
1 Iona Motschmann, Allen, Byrne, Hendel 15:45.22 10
2 Providence Dixon, Oakley, Crawley, Karamanolis 15:45.35 8
3 American Doiron, Ross, Rainey, Tirba 15:56.24 6
4 William and Mary Salvadori, McGorty, Gousse, Connell 15:57.41 5
5 Christopher Newport Conway, Rabil, Read, Campbell 16:03.41 4
8 Lock Haven Robinson, Weidner, Miller, Coburn 16:11.30 2
9 Columbia Otterstedt, Ounadjela, Freemantle, Theiss 16:11.52 1
10 UMass Lowell Schmith, Kalenoski, Nong, Hayes 16:11.96 -
11 Charlotte Nobles, Greth, Beamer, Sumida 16:15.58 -
13 Shippensburg Stroh, Nissley, Schettler, England 16:18.87 -
15 La Salle DeVenezia, Gorsuch, Ozarowski, Berry 16:23.24 -
16 Marist Baig, Morrison, Morton, Rizzo 16:23.69 -
18 St. Joseph's (Pa.) Podles, Garton, Davis, Daly 16:25.95 -
26 VCU Wood, Alidost, Lushinski, Girma 16:54.65 -
Men's 4 x 1500 Relay Section 2
6 Detroit Felton, Kendell, Gielarowski, Hofsess 16:10.19 11:28.84 16:19.90 19:43.64 18:26.02 3
7 Iona
Ubriaco, O'Dowd, Tario, Adamovics 16:10.95 15:12.70 11:19.67 14:53.28 19:34.85 -
12 Johns Hopkins Thornton, Peters, McMullin, Pourshalchi 16:16.87 17:05.72 14:58.72 16:46.18 20:50.40 -
14 Stonehill Demeule, Taxter, Bradford, Dowd 16:21.27 20:16.78 13:34.46 17:39.78 15:12.59 -
17 Charlotte
Gebhart, Walton Jr., Barrett, Kreiling 16:25.24 18:03.77 15:16.28 11:59.23 14:17.16 -
19 Saint Francis (Pa.) Allen, Venne, Penney, Hackman 16:26.71 16:16.85 21:12.86 12:20.04 20:03.79 -
20 Fordham Duckworth, Campbell, McGann, Turi 16:30.46 11:43.23 16:10.65 21:07.79 14:51.42 -
21 George Mason Lancaster, Parshall, Hatchett, Sharkey 16:30.58 12:22.94 20:48.13 12:42.75 13:22.37 -
22 UMBC Luckin, Duboyce, Burgett, Neil 16:36.81 17:06.72 16:06.91 16:26.85 15:27.04 -
23 Christopher Newport
Monahan, Artz, LeHardy, Broemmel 16:40.95 15:40.90 19:41.13 14:00.80 14:30.83 -
24 St. Joseph's (Pa.)
Macpherson, Daniels, Dorsey, Hutchison 16:45.57 15:25.13 12:24.13 11:53.96 17:05.69 -
25 Rider Zayer, Knipper, Paduani, Dritschel 16:46.76 20:18.18 12:55.21 13:15.34 20:38.32 -
27 William and Mary
Onders, Gates, Cacciatore, Thomas 16:57.16 15:25.62 17:17.51 19:50.08 17:17.51 -
28 Stonehill
Massey, Murphy, Rego, Southiere 17:00.17 20:34.41 21:56.02 14:16.95 15:18.16 -
29 Marist
Miller, Henderson, Vuono, Weimann 17:21.20 14:24.20 17:00.38 17:31.62 16:29.14 -
  Bucknell Bordash, Sussman, Kirna, Mueller DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ -