April 22-26, 2015
Drake Stadium - Des Moines, IA

Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8

1 Urbandale Hope Johnson, Kerry Hampe, Ashley Pearson, DeeDee Pryor 47.67 58.26 43.96 49.79 52.96
2 Ankeny Northview Meg Ridout, Allie Wyckoff, Kenzie L., Kenna Sauer 51.68 43.15 46.88 37.83 53.27
3 Merrill Tianna Little, Emma Fritzjunker, Aaliyah Battle, Jada Morris 1:03.91 51.02 43.50 40.82 53.70
4 Pella Lisa Dykstra, Natalie Clayberg, Elsie Thoreson, Emily Holterhaus 1:02.08 1:02.08 1:08.56 55.60 53.98
5 Ankeny Southview Olivia Sharar, Sam Parr, Sydney Julich, Jaelynn Kueker 41.87 41.87 38.06 57.64 54.37
6 South East Jr. High Kate Swenning, Chamya Adams, Eryn Dailey, Emma Cooper 1:02.83 44.25 53.00 1:05.01 54.63
7 St. Francis of Assisi Ella Waggoner, Sophia Davis, Morgan Ringwelski, Mira Baccile 54.75 1:10.63 38.33 1:00.23 54.75
8 Johnston Mikala Sidney, Katherine Chapman, Lily Dunley-Williams, Marley Mudhaupt 43.97 39.58 1:08.70 56.61 54.96
9 Waukee South Emma Samples, Ashley Allen, Ella Muse, Janjay Peters 48.59 41.96 44.17 57.97 55.21
10 Albia Taylor Colwell, Kaitlyn Griffin, Kyleigh Guthridge, Kanley Pettit 1:04.47 1:03.35 50.02 53.35 55.57
11 Meredith Ester Ubadigo, Shiggo Shaddin, Nakya Kelly, Saffie Dennis 53.18 52.06 1:03.81 1:09.97 55.97
12 Dunkerton Julia Rindels, Alicia Wilder, Kayla Rathe, Payton McHone 53.56 58.07 45.10 1:05.39 56.37
13 St. Augustin Catherine Haus, Lindsey Grask, Ellen Strittmatter, Megan Nelson 1:04.93 49.69 1:05.50 42.35 56.46
14 Amos Hiatt Josefina DeLa Cruz, Ashanti Young, Donnaya Snyder, Kimesha Star 1:09.51 1:00.39 51.85 46.15 56.97
15 Central Community Mary Kate Wille, Hannah Erickson, Lizzie Gifford, Ciera Deitchler 1:07.81 1:12.37 58.12 1:09.52 56.98
16 Newton Abbie Barr, Haley Budak, Lakin Jenkins, Rachel Rhoads 1:10.14 1:11.85 42.77 41.06 57.02
17 Gehlen Catholic Anna Britt, Elliotte Herbst, Brooklyn Heissel, Katie Peters 58.46 45.85 40.69 56.74 57.31
18 St. Theresa Julia Shonka, Sara Tingleff, Lauren Pogemiller, Juru Okwaramor 56.79 54.50 57.36 44.74 57.36
19 Indian Hills Greta Stewart, Celeste Garza, Alivia Agey, Chastity Louis 49.93 55.15 1:06.18 1:09.66 58.05
20 Goodrell Daija Deatis, Jahnia Sherrill, Andrea James, Melynn Phillips 43.52 59.98 51.16 1:14.68 58.80
21 Holy Family Tiffani Nguyen, Lisa Ratsakahn, Emmanuella Oghissa, Pamela Odir 1:14.71 57.65 1:12.35 1:08.24 58.82
22 Waverly Shell Rock Haley Eckerman, Britney Young, Camryn Grawe, Sophia Graening 53.04 1:11.31 52.45 49.51 58.93
23 Hoyt Remma Henning, Seraia Outlen, Mona Elniel, Novita Haygood 50.91 1:16.36 1:09.85 1:11.62 59.19
24 Weeks R Likane, H Deng, S Vongphany, A Vasquez 1:14.32 1:15.53 49.55 1:06.47 1:00.42
25 St. Pius X Alexis Riesberg, Olivia Magneson, Kate Flynn, Kelsey Schweizer 57.42 56.21 53.80 48.96 1:00.44
26 Colfax-Mingo Jordan Atwood, Ilia Hostetter, Aubrianna Woody, Payton Rhone 58.54 1:11.48 55.46 47.45 1:01.62
27 Assumption - Granger Savannah Lehrman, Ally Baumhover, Tristen Lyddon, Megan Burkhart 1:00.24 1:19.70 1:02.75 54.60 1:02.75
28 Holy Trinity Amber Altman, Anna Kerr, Ella Heukendorf, Roz Heuckendorf 1:11.15 1:21.22 1:04.85 1:00.45 1:02.96
29 Christ The King Karla Ramirez, Alyssa Last, Peyton Riewer, Shirley Ortega 1:19.59 53.06 1:15.80 1:12.01 1:03.16
30 Bergman Acadamy Ellie Wilke, Emma Wilke, Alex Dryden, Rebecca Melde 50.24 59.37 1:13.73 58.72 1:05.24
31 Sacred Heart Caroline Comito, Jada Spooner, Molly Wright, Forest Kuestner-Burles 1:12.29 54.54 57.83 53.89 1:05.71
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 1
5 Ankeny Southview Sharar, Parr, Julich, Kueker 59.81 54.37
8 Johnston Sidney, Chapman, Dunley-Williams, Mudhaupt 1:05.96 54.96
10 Albia Colwell, Griffin, Guthridge, Pettit 57.80 55.57
15 Central Community Wille, Erickson, Gifford, Deitchler 1:04.96 56.98
19 Indian Hills Stewart, Garza, Agey, Louis 1:13.73 58.05
24 Weeks Likane, Deng, Vongphany, Vasquez 1:16.74 1:00.42
26 Colfax-Mingo Atwood, Hostetter, Woody, Rhone 51.76 1:01.62
27 Assumption - Granger Lehrman, Baumhover, Lyddon, Burkhart 48.32 1:02.75
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 2
2 Ankeny Northview Ridout, Wyckoff, L., Sauer 37.83 1:02.33 50.08 53.27
6 South East Jr. High Swenning, Adams, Dailey, Cooper 1:09.38 46.44 47.53 54.63
12 Dunkerton Rindels, Wilder, Rathe, McHone 54.68 1:02.01 45.10 56.37
13 St. Augustin Haus, Grask, Strittmatter, Nelson 46.87 1:13.40 50.82 56.46
14 Amos Hiatt DeLa Cruz, Young, Snyder, Star 50.71 45.01 1:14.07 56.97
16 Newton Barr, Budak, Jenkins, Rhoads 1:04.44 1:11.28 45.05 57.02
29 Christ The King Ramirez, Last, Riewer, Ortega 1:11.37 56.85 1:18.95 1:03.16
31 Sacred Heart Comito, Spooner, Wright, Kuestner-Burles 49.29 1:07.03 1:00.46 1:05.71
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 3
7 St. Francis of Assisi Waggoner, Davis, Ringwelski, Baccile 1:07.89 54.75 1:05.16 1:10.08 48.73
9 Waukee South Samples, Allen, Muse, Peters 57.97 55.21 57.97 1:02.39 44.17
11 Meredith Ubadigo, Shaddin, Kelly, Dennis 1:12.21 55.97 53.18 47.58 54.85
18 St. Theresa Shonka, Tingleff, Pogemiller, Okwaramor 1:06.54 57.36 1:03.67 57.94 53.35
21 Holy Family Nguyen, Ratsakahn, Oghissa, Odir 1:00.59 58.82 47.65 50.59 1:14.71
22 Waverly Shell Rock Eckerman, Young, Grawe, Graening 53.04 58.93 1:07.18 50.68 1:16.61
25 St. Pius X Riesberg, Magneson, Flynn, Schweizer 56.21 1:00.44 1:18.58 56.21 51.38
30 Bergman Acadamy Wilke, Wilke, Dryden, Melde 51.54 1:05.24 56.76 48.28 46.98
Girls 4 x 100m Relay Division 8 Section 4
1 Urbandale Johnson, Hampe, Pearson, Pryor 1:01.44 52.96 55.08 54.02
3 Merrill Little, Fritzjunker, Battle, Morris 38.13 53.70 45.11 44.58
4 Pella Dykstra, Clayberg, Thoreson, Holterhaus 42.65 53.98 55.60 51.82
17 Gehlen Catholic Britt, Herbst, Heissel, Peters 1:13.93 57.31 1:05.91 44.71
20 Goodrell Deatis, Sherrill, James, Phillips 1:04.68 58.80 44.69 52.34
23 Hoyt Henning, Outlen, Elniel, Haygood 52.09 59.19 1:13.99 1:06.89
28 Holy Trinity Altman, Kerr, Heukendorf, Heuckendorf 55.41 1:02.96 1:08.63 1:10.52