May 15-17, 2015
Princeton - Princeton, NJ

Women's 4 x 400 Relay Finals

1 VCU Kiara Porter, Amethyst Polk, Nicole Grasty, Nichelle Scott 4:40.88 3:37.73 3:02.90 10
2 St. John's Raquel Ricketts, Pariis Garcia, Marlow Schulz, Christine Oguledo 2:54.98 3:38.72 3:54.03 8
3 UMBC Paulette Fogle, Kalane Abbey, Essence Fredericks, Mercedes Tillman 3:17.17 3:39.07 3:32.50 6
4 George Mason Jasmine Robinson, Sharon Dorsey, Caela Williams, Taylor Sharpe 3:17.12 3:41.48 2:48.33 5
5 Lafayette Drew Davis, Erin Keen, Haley Langton, Devin Smith 4:00.49 3:42.67 4:09.39 4
6 Duquesne Anna Simone, Louise Prevoteau, Abby O'Connell, Kim Watterson 4:25.99 3:43.52 4:03.64 3
7 Rhode Island Lauren Burke, Mariah Claudio, Keilan Nova, Dyshelle Pemberton 3:08.51 3:44.41 2:39.34 2

Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries

1 St. John's Christine Oguledo, Raquel Ricketts, Marlow Schulz, Pariis Garcia 3:07.99 3:38.59
2 VCU Kiara Porter, Nicole Grasty, Amethyst Polk, Nichelle Scott 4:40.85 3:39.41
3 Maryland-Eastern Shore Rachel Halmon, Dypna Umunakwe, Loundy Desire, Shantol Hemley 4:37.29 3:41.83
4 George Mason Taylor Sharpe, Jasmine Robinson, Caela Williams, Sharon Dorsey 3:19.67 3:41.85
5 UMBC Mercedes Tillman, Essence Fredericks, Kalane Abbey, Paulette Fogle 3:24.22 3:41.97
6 Duquesne Anna Simone, Kim Watterson, Louise Prevoteau, Abby O'Connell 3:29.49 3:42.86
7 Rhode Island Dyshelle Pemberton, Keilan Nova, Lauren Burke, Mariah Claudio 4:20.80 3:42.90
8 Lafayette Drew Davis, Haley Langton, Erin Keen, Devin Smith 2:54.77 3:44.06
9 Hampton Malekah Holland, Kourtney Keller, Meshala Morton, Kristian Young 3:50.80 3:44.07
10 Monmouth Antoniette Isekenegbe, Andrea Olsen, McKenna Coakley, Katherine Frye 3:24.16 3:49.39
11 Wagner Imani Jones, Emily Pereira, Kelly Pereira, Halima Diawara 3:34.56 3:50.70
12 William and Mary Kacey Wheeler, Claire Tito, Ashley Woodards, Breanna Brukalo 3:26.41 3:51.92
13 Delaware Carolyn Darr, Breanna Nicholson, Tyler Jackson, Chelsi Campbell 3:56.67 3:52.03
14 Fairleigh Dickinson Ashley McGuire, Kenesha Brown, Serwaa Syers, Amber Blunt 4:28.95 3:53.87
15 Bucknell Allison Sharkey, Alison Varano, Laura Papili, Elyse Pettaway 5:03.41 3:55.20
16 Towson Zanae Freeland, Amanda Famularo, Aharon Abus-Salaam, Kaitlyn Davis 3:57.48 4:04.82
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
1 St. John's Oguledo, Ricketts, Schulz, Garcia 3:38.59
2 VCU Porter, Grasty, Polk, Scott 3:39.41
3 Maryland-Eastern Shore Halmon, Umunakwe, Desire, Hemley 3:41.83
5 UMBC Tillman, Fredericks, Abbey, Fogle 3:41.97
11 Wagner Jones, Pereira, Pereira, Diawara 3:50.70
12 William and Mary Wheeler, Tito, Woodards, Brukalo 3:51.92
13 Delaware Darr, Nicholson, Jackson, Campbell 3:52.03
15 Bucknell Sharkey, Varano, Papili, Pettaway 3:55.20
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
4 George Mason Sharpe, Robinson, Williams, Dorsey 4:08.48 2:35.30 3:41.85
6 Duquesne Simone, Watterson, Prevoteau, O'Connell 2:53.83 4:22.98 3:42.86
7 Rhode Island Pemberton, Nova, Burke, Claudio 4:00.74 4:27.48 3:42.90
8 Lafayette Davis, Langton, Keen, Smith 3:41.82 3:28.38 3:44.06
9 Hampton Holland, Keller, Morton, Young 4:37.85 4:26.65 3:44.07
10 Monmouth Isekenegbe, Olsen, Coakley, Frye 2:42.87 4:58.21 3:49.39
14 Fairleigh Dickinson McGuire, Brown, Syers, Blunt 4:47.66 4:14.92 3:53.87
16 Towson Freeland, Famularo, Abus-Salaam, Davis 3:40.34 4:21.96 4:04.82