April 3- 5, 2014
Florida-Percy Beard Track - Gainesville, FL

Boys 4 x 200m Relay High School

0 Naples Carlin Fils Aime, Nick Newell, Michael Walker, Dejan Brown DQ DQ
0 Miami Washington Deltron Hopkins, Nigel Bethel II, Terrawn McPhee, Krondis Larry DQ DQ
0 Vanguard (Ocala) Wayne Richardson, Natrell Jamerson, Dontae Lecorn, Ryan Basile DQ DQ
0 Tallahassee Lincoln Michael Poole, Kendall Randolph, Michael Carrigan, John Burt DQ DQ
0 Lake Mary kevin Capella, Kenny Williams, Nicholas Westbrook, Gianni Stridacchio DNF DNF
1 St Thomas Aquinas Rasheed Tatham, James Oliphant, Jordan Scarlett, Trevon Grimes 1:25.97 1:16.52
2 The St. Michael School Best Joash, Cadogan Levi, Aaron Worrell, Atwell Tamal 1:28.06 1:52.72
3 East Ridge Tyler Seaton, Jalen Lozano, Montray Chambers, Terry Jernigan 1:28.07 1:39.52
4 Miramar Jabari Hill, Jamauli Stewart, Gregori McCrae, Khalil Lewis 1:29.28 1:14.11
5 Miami Northwestern Deandre Baker, Cordell Lamb, antonio howard, steven henderson 1:29.38 1:24.02
6 Flagler Palm Coast Jimmie Robinson, Ra Blanding, Justin Pacifico, Marcel Williams 1:29.52 1:36.69
7 Jones Sedarius Young, Cornelius Jennings, Fred Douce, Tarandis Jones 1:30.11 1:36.42
8 Hallandale John Battle, Antwuan Musgrove, Paul Anderson, Shelton Arnold 1:30.43 1:40.38
9 Armwood Duran Bell, Moses Wells, Aaron Covington, Shandon Martin 1:30.55 1:46.85
10 Lake Brantley Zachary Halliday, Devon Smith, Justin Dixon, Daquan Coleman 1:30.8 1:31.7
11 Lake Weir Jernir Etienne, Joshua Rodriguez, Joseph Lindsey, Quadarious Gordon 1:30.98 1:36.44
12 Barron Collier Delonte Bolyea, Stacey James, Adrian Moxey, Devin Forges 1:31.64 1:34.39
13 St. Cloud Kendrick Calixte, Leonardo Nunez, Steven Overbay, Jovane Parkinson 1:31.95 1:13.56
14 Golden Gate Jackson Carsime, Ricardo Colas, Cliffrondji Pascal, Rickenson Fabe 1:32.65 1:41.92
15 Gainesville Austin Brown, Ladarius Flagg, Tariq Evans, Michael Hudson 1:32.91 1:18.05
16 Gibbs Damien Daniels, Maurice Hall, Jaquez President, Craig Watts 1:33.55 1:43.84
17 Immokalee Wigs Pyram, Martinez Rafael, Renald Pierre, Jeff Saint Preux 1:34.02 1:22.74
18 P. K. Yonge Jamal Barnes, Rayjhan Leath, Antwain Patterson, Darryl Washington 1:34.11 1:52.94
19 Community School (Naples) Charlie Badger, Mika Crespo, Zach Rochette, George Schemlzle 1:35.17 1:12.33
20 Coral Glades Jason Peck, Junior Semil, Jahiah Delice, Kameron Aaron 1:36.17 1:40.98
21 Spruce Creek Aaron Connor, Julian Maldonado, Nathanial Anthony, Willis Walter 1:36.5 1:13.3
22 Pine Crest Sam Toffler, Alex Welch, Will Becker, Jay Wilson 1:37.76 1:45.58
23 St. Andrew's Craig Gomez, Davis Maxie, Nico Aldeanueva, Andre Delaney 1:42.5 1:11.7
Boys 4 x 200m Relay High School Section 1
0 Miami Washington Hopkins, Bethel II, McPhee, Larry DQ DQ DQ DQ
1 St Thomas Aquinas Tatham, Oliphant, Scarlett, Grimes 1:14.80 1:01.90 1:03.62 1:25.97
2 The St. Michael School Joash, Levi, Worrell, Tamal 1:46.56 1:03.41 1:44.80 1:28.06
4 Miramar Hill, Stewart, McCrae, Lewis 1:56.07 1:38.21 1:23.03 1:29.28
5 Miami Northwestern Baker, Lamb, howard, henderson 1:15.08 1:02.57 1:44.58 1:29.38
8 Hallandale Battle, Musgrove, Anderson, Arnold 1:08.73 1:29.53 1:45.81 1:30.43
15 Gainesville Brown, Flagg, Evans, Hudson 1:57.07 1:44.99 1:26.41 1:32.91
Boys 4 x 200m Relay High School Section 2
0 Tallahassee Lincoln Poole, Randolph, Carrigan, Burt DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
3 East Ridge Seaton, Lozano, Chambers, Jernigan 1:04.30 1:14.86 1:28.07 1:54.50 1:09.58 1:43.93 1:21.91
6 Flagler Palm Coast Robinson, Blanding, Pacifico, Williams 1:42.06 1:14.31 1:29.52 1:23.26 1:51.01 1:34.90 1:36.69
9 Armwood Bell, Wells, Covington, Martin 1:40.51 1:55.00 1:30.55 1:52.29 1:52.29 1:48.66 1:13.35
13 St. Cloud Calixte, Nunez, Overbay, Parkinson 1:45.75 1:16.32 1:31.95 1:42.07 1:47.59 1:32.87 1:54.94
16 Gibbs Daniels, Hall, President, Watts 1:46.65 1:45.72 1:33.55 1:15.78 1:23.26 1:05.49 1:42.91
18 P. K. Yonge Barnes, Leath, Patterson, Washington 1:35.06 1:46.35 1:34.11 1:52.94 1:39.76 1:18.12 1:35.06
Boys 4 x 200m Relay High School Section 3
0 Naples Fils Aime, Newell, Walker, Brown DQ DQ DQ DQ DQ
0 Lake Mary Capella, Williams, Westbrook, Stridacchio DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
10 Lake Brantley Halliday, Smith, Dixon, Coleman 1:30.8 1:48.9 1:41.6 1:25.3 1:28.9
12 Barron Collier Bolyea, James, Moxey, Forges 1:31.64 1:48.14 1:09.65 1:55.47 1:16.07
14 Golden Gate Carsime, Colas, Pascal, Fabe 1:32.65 1:06.71 1:13.20 1:51.18 1:42.85
19 Community School (Naples) Badger, Crespo, Rochette, Schemlzle 1:35.17 1:12.33 1:53.26 1:06.62 1:32.32
21 Spruce Creek Connor, Maldonado, Anthony, Walter 1:36.5 1:45.1 1:31.6 2:00.6 2:03.5
Boys 4 x 200m Relay High School Section 4
0 Vanguard (Ocala) Richardson, Jamerson, Lecorn, Basile DQ
7 Jones Young, Jennings, Douce, Jones 1:30.11
11 Lake Weir Etienne, Rodriguez, Lindsey, Gordon 1:30.98
17 Immokalee Pyram, Rafael, Pierre, Saint Preux 1:34.02
20 Coral Glades Peck, Semil, Delice, Aaron 1:36.17
22 Pine Crest Toffler, Welch, Becker, Wilson 1:37.76
23 St. Andrew's Gomez, Maxie, Aldeanueva, Delaney 1:42.5