March 6- 8, 2014
SPIRE Institute Indoor Track & Field Facility - Geneva, OH
300m (Flat)

Women's 4 x 400 Relay Finals

1 Indiana Tech 3:40.23 2:47.38 4:06.66 10
2 Oklahoma Baptist 3:41.16 2:56.93 4:27.61 8
3 Wayland Baptist 3:44.72 4:22.93 4:18.43 6
4 Olivet Nazarene 3:48.8 3:14.4 3:21.3 5
5 Doane 3:49.73 3:45.14 3:26.76 4
6 Langston 3:50.86 3:27.78 2:53.15 3
7 Eastern Oregon 3:51.4 4:53.8 3:58.3 2
8 Embry-Riddle 3:51.95 2:56.29 4:31.39 1

Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries

1 Indiana Tech Zalika Dixon, Chauntiel Smith, Chloe Brooks, Kirsten Flake 3:48.02 4:13.11 4:19.95
2 Oklahoma Baptist Taylor Moore, Abby Mayfield, Jura Levy, Stacy Warrior 3:48.53 3:37.11 3:11.97
3 Wayland Baptist Angie Quiah, Alexis Browner, Kesley Gittens, Shani Adams 3:49.54 4:37.75 4:26.27
4 Langston Ravenn Rudel, Darion Johnson, Sydney Scott, Darian Williams 3:50.55 4:11.30 3:11.36
5 Doane Jessa Sughroue, Lacey Wright, Sydney Holtmeier, Sandrae Farquharson 3:51.98 2:42.39 3:35.75
6 Eastern Oregon Megan Sullivan, Irene Olivo, Carlondra McGee-Woolbrigh, Kadie Booth 3:52.01 3:19.53 4:05.93
7 Olivet Nazarene Laura D'Angelo, Kamaria Goedhart, Peyton Kirkland, Alexandra Ortiz 3:50.59 3:59.82 4:29.79
8 Embry-Riddle Kandice Dixon, Kristina Kendrick, Ellie Staker, Marina Levine 3:53.54 4:44.92 4:00.55
9 College of Idaho Hannah Lentz, Hillary Holt, Nichole DeGrange, Jasmine Hurd 3:54.28 4:10.68 3:23.83
10 Vanguard Joi Goynes, Kiana Davis, Marline Estell, Kapree Nelson 3:54.6 4:48.5 4:08.6
11 Cornerstone Lindsay Lipa, Lyndee Sayers, Tess Odegard, Larissa Hampton 3:55.64 3:17.94 4:45.13
12 Hastings Michelle Leichleiter, Ali Johnson, Courtney Mills, Porche Parnell 3:55.64 3:48.57 4:09.78
13 Carroll Mallery Knoll, Nicole Davey, Marisa Sanchez, Kara Barth 3:55.84 3:11.03 4:35.94
14 Indiana Wesleyan Hannah Williams, Talia Benware, Emily Bantz, Allix Miller 3:56.2 4:45.8 3:13.6
15 Grand View Hannah Stouffer, Ragan Duax, Dede Ayers, Jasmine Nielsen 3:56.57 3:09.26 5:07.55
16 Bethel (Ind.) Ashley Spence, Whitney Grace, Avante Newsome-Gunn, Arielle Byl 3:56.7 3:18.8 4:13.2
17 Southern Oregon Tierra Barrett, Rachele Bedsole, Aspen Abbott, Amelia Maguin 3:56.95 4:18.28 5:05.67
18 Clarke Samantha Francois, Myra Nichols, Austyn Their, Megan Lehmkuhl 4:00.17 3:45.76 2:52.93
19 Southwestern (Kan.) Christine Sheppard, Ashlee Wenrick, Cassie Hollenback, Taylor Sisneros 4:00.31 2:48.22 3:07.45
20 St. Ambrose April Devore, Sara Lampe, Tara Goehrke, Molly Jo Smith 4:00.49 4:36.57 3:50.87
21 Biola Kate Smiley, Kathleen Bell, Megan Ranson, Bethany Smith 4:05.8 5:19.5 3:14.1
22 Westmont Lorien Patmore, Kaylin Koopmans, Becky Collier, Amber Collier 4:08.22 3:33.47 4:42.97
23 Taylor Erin Price, Abigal Phillips, Kehlay Dunah, Kaitlin DeHaan 4:11.15 5:21.48 3:58.60
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
1 Indiana Tech Dixon, Smith, Brooks, Flake 4:35.91 3:09.26 3:48.02 3:02.42 3:22.94
4 Langston Rudel, Johnson, Scott, Williams 4:34.36 4:41.28 3:50.55 3:48.25 4:41.28
7 Olivet Nazarene D'Angelo, Goedhart, Kirkland, Ortiz 2:59.86 2:52.95 3:50.59 4:02.12 3:18.31
12 Hastings Leichleiter, Johnson, Mills, Parnell 3:03.80 4:14.50 3:55.64 3:17.94 5:06.34
16 Bethel (Ind.) Spence, Grace, Newsome-Gunn, Byl 3:09.3 3:14.0 3:56.7 3:09.3 4:27.4
17 Southern Oregon Barrett, Bedsole, Abbott, Maguin 3:33.26 2:57.72 3:56.95 4:13.54 4:01.69
19 Southwestern (Kan.) Sheppard, Wenrick, Hollenback, Sisneros 4:09.93 3:31.48 4:00.31 4:45.97 2:53.03
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
3 Wayland Baptist Quiah, Browner, Gittens, Adams 3:49.54
6 Eastern Oregon Sullivan, Olivo, McGee-Woolbrigh, Booth 3:52.01
8 Embry-Riddle Dixon, Kendrick, Staker, Levine 3:53.54
9 College of Idaho Lentz, Holt, DeGrange, Hurd 3:54.28
11 Cornerstone Lipa, Sayers, Odegard, Hampton 3:55.64
18 Clarke Francois, Nichols, Their, Lehmkuhl 4:00.17
20 St. Ambrose Devore, Lampe, Goehrke, Smith 4:00.49
22 Westmont Patmore, Koopmans, Collier, Collier 4:08.22
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Preliminaries Heat 3
2 Oklahoma Baptist Moore, Mayfield, Levy, Warrior 3:18.83 3:18.83 3:48.53
5 Doane Sughroue, Wright, Holtmeier, Farquharson 3:35.75 4:05.90 3:51.98
10 Vanguard Goynes, Davis, Estell, Nelson 4:25.0 3:47.5 3:54.6
13 Carroll Knoll, Davey, Sanchez, Barth 3:39.34 5:06.60 3:55.84
14 Indiana Wesleyan Williams, Benware, Bantz, Miller 4:59.9 4:24.5 3:56.2
15 Grand View Stouffer, Duax, Ayers, Nielsen 3:30.55 3:21.09 3:56.57
21 Biola Smiley, Bell, Ranson, Smith 3:19.0 3:16.6 4:05.8
23 Taylor Price, Phillips, Dunah, DeHaan 3:38.50 5:01.38 4:11.15