March 27-29, 2014
Rice - Houston, TX

Men's 4 x 200 Relay

0 St. Thomas William Heck, Aaron Hernandez, Kirk Selexman, Elliot Cleveland DQ DQ -
1 Fort Bend Marshall Shamon Ehiemua, Mark Barre, Gerald Mills, Amere Lattin 1:02.26 1:26.47 10
2 Spring D. Dennis, W. Sykes, Sanchez McDonald, Aaron Rittenhouse 1:44.46 1:27.05 8
3 Cypress Ranch Nico Johnson, Joe Johnson, Cameron Grier, Mike Lynn 1:44.72 1:28.74 6
4 Houston Cypress Springs Chris Smith, Donnell Dunn, O'Shea Clark, Terrance Rogers 1:27.54 1:29.32 5
5 Aldine ISD Davis Lexington Thomas, Anthony Malone, Montray Norris, Kameron Pryor 1:50.25 1:29.63 4
6 College Park Kyle Cole, Travis Forde, Logan Sample, Alex Myres 1:47.66 1:29.71 3
7 The Woodlands TC Schneider, Kalif Johnson, Chris Bell, Patrick McCoy 1:49.73 1:29.94 2
8 Pearland Dawson Karl Vedan, Brett Winnegan, Kameron Hypolite, Jordan Wilson 1:42.71 1:30.09 1
9 Katy Seven Lakes Braeden West, Batchlor Johnson, Marc Carrasco, Mark Brown 1:05.94 1:30.33 -
10 Humble Kingwood Josh McPhearson, Dawson Trudell, Garrett Williamson, Eric Hammersmith 1:51.27 1:30.46 -
11 Klein Oak Theodrore Esantsi, Jontavis Smith, Johnell Smith, Jacob Harper 1:28.6 1:30.5 -
12 Fort Bend Elkins Jaylon Bowden, Xavier Barnes, Roy Glover, Aiden Edison 1:26.42 1:30.96 -
13 Humble Atascocita Mike Jones, Tyree Grosvenor, Derek Schroeder, Jace Comick 1:27.58 1:31.22 -
14 Houston Cypress Lakes brendon lemon, milan washington, Marlon Battle, chris mcclendon 1:36.64 1:32.03 -
15 Stafford Morgan Kendrell, Jerell Thibodeaux, T'Andre Thomas, Ezell Nosa 1:34.24 1:32.39 -
16 St. Johns School William Clutterbuck, Risher Randall, Alex Ramzel, Lee Hampton 1:24.30 1:33.66 -
17 Houston Memorial Casper Flinder, Mark Perrin, Henry Clinch, Will Thompson 1:35.95 1:34.06 -
18 Fort Bend Bush Kasey Poole, Adrian Covington, Dareeus Townsend, Ronald Monroe 1:07.99 1:34.43 -
19 Deer Park Isaac Bonuz, Ty Jacko, Talon Caulfield, Daniel Demmon 1:38.56 1:34.77 -
20 Kingwood Park Cameron Elhe, Devin Wallace, Jared Como, Kashir Sheikh 2:02.71 1:35.12 -
21 Houston Madison Gerald Babers, Daelone Haynes, Trevion Goode, Todd Franklin 2:03.07 1:37.67 -
22 Houston Scarborough LaJarvis Franklin, Jesse Pringle, Laqaras Augustine, Brodrick Peterson 1:59.50 1:42.13 -
Men's 4 x 200 Relay Section 1
0 St. Thomas Heck, Hernandez, Selexman, Cleveland DQ DQ -
6 College Park Cole, Forde, Sample, Myres 1:29.71 1:27.92 3
13 Humble Atascocita Jones, Grosvenor, Schroeder, Comick 1:31.22 1:54.94 -
16 St. Johns School Clutterbuck, Randall, Ramzel, Hampton 1:33.66 2:00.83 -
17 Houston Memorial Flinder, Perrin, Clinch, Thompson 1:34.06 1:21.84 -
19 Deer Park Bonuz, Jacko, Caulfield, Demmon 1:34.77 1:44.25 -
20 Kingwood Park Elhe, Wallace, Como, Sheikh 1:35.12 1:47.49 -
22 Houston Scarborough Franklin, Pringle, Augustine, Peterson 1:42.13 1:15.58 -
Men's 4 x 200 Relay Section 2
3 Cypress Ranch Johnson, Johnson, Grier, Lynn 1:34.96 1:28.74 6
5 Aldine ISD Davis Thomas, Malone, Norris, Pryor 1:09.92 1:29.63 4
7 The Woodlands Schneider, Johnson, Bell, McCoy 1:02.96 1:29.94 2
9 Katy Seven Lakes West, Johnson, Carrasco, Brown 1:46.59 1:30.33 -
10 Humble Kingwood McPhearson, Trudell, Williamson, Hammersmith 1:52.17 1:30.46 -
12 Fort Bend Elkins Bowden, Barnes, Glover, Edison 1:11.86 1:30.96 -
15 Stafford Kendrell, Thibodeaux, Thomas, Nosa 1:50.87 1:32.39 -
18 Fort Bend Bush Poole, Covington, Townsend, Monroe 1:35.38 1:34.43 -
Men's 4 x 200 Relay Section 3
1 Fort Bend Marshall Ehiemua, Barre, Mills, Lattin 1:07.45 1:38.58 1:26.47 1:13.50 1:37.72 1:44.63 10
2 Spring Dennis, Sykes, McDonald, Rittenhouse 1:09.64 1:14.87 1:27.05 1:49.69 1:39.24 1:34.02 8
4 Houston Cypress Springs Smith, Dunn, Clark, Rogers 1:17.71 1:11.46 1:29.32 1:36.47 1:23.07 1:15.03 5
8 Pearland Dawson Vedan, Winnegan, Hypolite, Wilson 1:45.41 1:16.58 1:30.09 1:42.71 1:26.49 1:12.98 1
11 Klein Oak Esantsi, Smith, Smith, Harper 1:37.7 1:34.1 1:30.5 1:25.9 1:41.3 1:52.2 -
14 Houston Cypress Lakes lemon, washington, Battle, mcclendon 1:49.52 1:26.51 1:32.03 1:05.35 1:55.04 1:52.28 -
21 Houston Madison Babers, Haynes, Goode, Franklin 1:22.05 1:51.35 1:37.67 1:24.00 1:50.37 2:06.00 -