April 3- 5, 2014
William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA

Women's Distance Medley Relay

1 Virginia Tech A Sarah Rapp, Paige Kvartunas, Katarina Smiljanec, Abigail Motley 11:05.27 12:44.35 11:47.73 8:43.72 12:44.35 12:08.97 11:19.42 10
2 Bucknell A Emily Waksmunski, Jennifer Zymet, Sarah Chandler, Hana Casalnova 10:08.91 12:16.36 11:48.03 8:58.11 14:52.12 11:12.63 13:20.08 8
3 James Madison A Kristen Landry, Destiny Simmons, Lillie Brown, Tessa Mundell 14:23.93 11:26.90 11:48.14 11:41.06 9:40.68 9:19.43 11:26.90 6
4 Holy Cross A Abigail Mitchell, Payton Shubrick, Catherine Gildea, Caroline Carley 13:34.96 8:37.33 11:48.66 8:30.24 12:45.36 10:23.62 12:24.10 5
5 Delaware A Betsy Erlanger, Hannah Pepper, Mellissa Mazzo, Katrina Steenkamer 8:20.4 15:29.3 11:54.9 12:30.6 14:25.0 11:40.6 12:30.6 4
6 Quinnipiac A Chelsea Savage, Shameal Samuels, Katy Petrie, Tracy Campbell 13:17.41 12:41.49 11:58.38 10:03.44 8:30.05 11:44.02 9:13.16 3
7 Mount St. Mary's A Maria Borland, Genamarie McCant, Desiree Scott, Stephanie Borland 10:54.67 9:12.84 12:07.41 11:09.22 15:16.54 8:51.01 15:16.54 2
8 Richmond A Alyson McGonigle, Janel Francis, Taylor Clevinger, Clare Moretz 10:18.40 12:22.08 12:07.53 12:51.19 15:31.24 12:58.46 9:20.20 1
9 Christopher Newport A Jessica McClelland, Leah Richardson, Logan Harrington, Briana Stewart 14:43.06 10:47.58 12:15.88 10:18.14 9:11.91 15:41.93 9:19.27 -
10 Delaware
B Emily Gispert, Kelley Donovan, Alexandra Carroll, Alyssa Kennedy 14:51.62 12:31.61 12:16.87 15:43.20 10:41.08 15:43.20 11:25.29 -
11 Fordham A Shanna Heaney, Diane Bain, Danielle Rowe, Christina Vivinetto 15:22.40 9:06.06 12:17.92 11:41.03 11:26.27 9:13.44 10:41.99 -
12 Loyola (Md.) A Anna Bosse, Jacqueline Porter, Cordelia McGinn, Kiera Harrison 11:53.60 11:09.00 12:23.33 11:53.60 11:38.73 13:22.80 13:45.10 -
13 Fordham
B Kerry Sorenson, Elise Tigani, Mia Toffoli, Brianne Roche 10:47.6 10:40.1 12:24.4 10:55.0 9:40.6 15:52.8 10:32.7 -
14 Monmouth A Molly McKeon, Andrea Olsen, Jessica Ball, Rachael Baker 8:56.28 11:02.90 12:24.83 15:08.70 9:18.63 11:32.70 14:24.01 -
15 Robert Morris A Alexis Ebersole, Bethany Ledford, Kiera Mooney, Lindsay Erath 15:40.82 14:18.69 12:26.68 10:12.28 15:40.82 13:18.95 10:27.22 -
16 Rider A Megan McGarrity, Johanna Blume, Gabrielle Randell, Nicolette Mateescu 12:57.22 14:05.13 12:34.58 15:28.14 14:12.68 11:11.58 10:41.40 -
17 William and Mary A Clarissa Schick, Maggie Gutierrez, Felicia Hammer, McCall Ledgett 16:32.49 12:43.45 12:43.45 9:09.69 10:03.13 8:54.42 12:51.09 -
18 Norfolk State A Rachel Webb, Ra'Shaun Combs, Fiona Masai, Faith Summey 15:21.56 15:13.88 12:47.96 9:35.97 14:27.80 14:04.76 11:31.17 -
19 Marist A Christine Coughlin, Courtney Cartwright, Jackie Gamboli, Erin Thompson 12:21.02 12:28.90 13:08.31 11:33.72 15:14.44 10:46.42 10:22.77 -
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 1
1 Virginia Tech Rapp, Kvartunas, Smiljanec, Motley 8:57.88 13:55.13 15:05.90 14:16.36 11:47.73 10
2 Bucknell Waksmunski, Zymet, Chandler, Casalnova 11:12.63 11:55.11 14:16.72 8:29.79 11:48.03 8
3 James Madison Landry, Simmons, Brown, Mundell 12:16.47 14:38.10 13:13.12 10:23.17 11:48.14 6
4 Holy Cross Mitchell, Shubrick, Gildea, Carley 9:55.28 14:38.74 12:31.18 8:58.59 11:48.66 5
5 Delaware Erlanger, Pepper, Mazzo, Steenkamer 13:06.3 9:31.9 14:46.4 9:31.9 11:54.9 4
6 Quinnipiac Savage, Samuels, Petrie, Campbell 10:24.99 8:37.24 14:43.61 15:19.53 11:58.38 3
8 Richmond McGonigle, Francis, Clevinger, Moretz 14:11.21 10:54.78 11:23.88 8:43.83 12:07.53 1
10 Delaware
Gispert, Donovan, Carroll, Kennedy 11:10.56 15:35.83 13:01.09 12:31.61 12:16.87 -
11 Fordham Heaney, Bain, Rowe, Vivinetto 12:47.44 15:51.92 10:41.99 14:52.89 12:17.92 -
18 Norfolk State Webb, Combs, Masai, Summey 10:37.41 14:43.16 10:06.69 8:57.58 12:47.96 -
Women's Distance Medley Relay Section 2
7 Mount St. Mary's Borland, McCant, Scott, Borland 14:03.80 10:47.40 12:07.41 11:45.59 13:05.61 2
9 Christopher Newport McClelland, Richardson, Harrington, Stewart 9:56.07 9:41.35 12:15.88 8:42.48 12:15.88 -
12 Loyola (Md.) Bosse, Porter, McGinn, Harrison 13:37.67 11:23.87 12:23.33 14:52.00 12:30.77 -
13 Fordham
Sorenson, Tigani, Toffoli, Roche 13:01.6 13:53.7 12:24.4 12:02.0 10:55.0 -
14 Monmouth McKeon, Olsen, Ball, Baker 10:25.66 14:24.01 12:24.83 14:31.46 13:09.52 -
15 Robert Morris Ebersole, Ledford, Mooney, Erath 11:49.35 11:56.82 12:26.68 9:57.35 15:40.82 -
16 Rider McGarrity, Blume, Randell, Mateescu 14:35.32 13:42.50 12:34.58 10:03.67 14:05.13 -
17 William and Mary Schick, Gutierrez, Hammer, Ledgett 16:24.85 11:19.47 12:43.45 13:52.16 14:30.34 -
19 Marist Coughlin, Cartwright, Gamboli, Thompson 9:11.82 16:33.27 13:08.31 14:42.91 13:31.96 -