January 27-28, 2012
Boston University-Track & Tennis Center - Boston, MA
200m (Banked)

Women's 4 x 400 Relay

1 UMass Lowell A Nicole Giaquinto, Shannon Cunningham, Ashley Zielinski, Amy Delgado 3:55.03 4:45.72 2:43.60 4:01.95 4:11.16 3:50.42 4:22.68
2 Monmouth A Melanie Lewis, Laura Williams, Rachel Watkins, Colleen Rutecki 2:47.11 2:54.07 3:08.00 4:40.83 4:47.80 3:52.09 3:01.03
3 Boston U. A Carolyn Maynard, Amber Muhammed, Julia Mirochnick, Janet Mellor 3:11.70 3:02.34 4:17.15 3:11.70 4:40.53 3:53.77 3:28.06
4 Yale A Allison Rue, Alexa Monti, Jenna Poggi, Emily Cable 3:35.24 4:05.65 2:55.47 4:24.37 4:15.01 3:53.95 2:50.79
5 Dartmouth A Christina Supino, Isabella Terhorst, Naomi Stahl, Megan Krumpoch 4:59.54 3:42.31 2:57.85 3:51.67 3:16.57 3:54.01 3:58.69
6 UMass Lowell
B Elisabeth Monty, Alexis Kitsakos, Erika Shay, Antoinette Toussaint 4:27.99 4:27.99 4:16.14 3:52.42 4:56.45 3:57.16 4:58.83
7 Rider A Jordyn Horning, Lauren Findley, Ashley Hunter, Mia Riley 2:49.46 3:56.29 3:56.29 3:34.81 5:00.73 3:58.67 3:25.26
8 MIT A Jamie Simmons, Jacqueline Brew, Cindy Huang, Portia Jones 4:45.29 3:23.78 2:59.81 4:02.14 3:04.60 3:59.74 3:28.58
9 Binghamton A Erika Kisel, Alexx Baum, Kaitlin Sullivan, Mallory Clark 5:05.22 3:33.90 3:14.67 4:41.19 3:02.65 4:00.33 3:45.91
10 Montclair State A Ashadaya Patterson, Beaira Thomas, Imani Jones, Heather Gearity 3:35.0 2:49.1 4:54.7 5:04.4 2:49.1 4:01.6 3:03.6
11 Rhode Island
B Alexis Capozzi, Keiko Hector, Marissa Norman, Erin Flanagan 4:47.60 3:06.10 2:54.01 2:51.60 4:08.93 4:01.68 3:20.60
12 Monmouth
B Megan Patrick, Danielle Toritto, Jessica Maguire, Ali Hehn 3:17.55 3:07.80 3:24.87 4:52.67 4:33.16 4:03.89 2:58.04
13 Tufts A Alyssa Corrigan, Lauren Gormer, Samantha Bissonnette, Jana Hieber 4:39.35 3:20.94 4:36.90 3:13.59 4:44.25 4:05.04 4:54.05
14 Rhode Island A Lauren Burke, Amber Hessenkemper, Frances Brillante, Hayley Madsen 4:30.20 5:16.87 3:26.33 4:32.65 3:38.61 4:05.63 2:59.31
15 WPI A Caroline Allen, Michelangela Yusif, Maya Rhinehart, Noelle Richard 3:33.79 3:28.87 3:33.79 3:50.99 5:12.08 4:05.73 4:13.11
16 RIC A Daria Brayboy, Kayla Cataldo, Natasha Miller, Chelsea Key 4:42.64 3:11.70 4:45.10 3:14.16 5:02.30 4:05.77 3:09.25
17 Dartmouth
B Hannah O'Flynn, Lauren Ready, Alexandra Nee, Priscilla Trojano 4:37.67 3:28.26 4:47.59 4:35.20 4:17.84 4:07.92 5:22.30
18 Middlebury A Tory Sheffield, Molly McLean, Morgan Childs, Juliet Ryan-Davis 4:20.05 4:50.05 3:02.53 5:15.05 3:27.54 4:10.04 4:32.55
19 Boston U.
B Kathleen Davies, Sophia Mercadante, Madeline Steiner, Nikki Long 3:38.10 3:35.60 4:20.72 3:08.02 3:08.02 4:10.69 3:08.02
20 Montclair State
B Sheneya Murphy, Janee Carr, Tanasia Linton, Stephanie Fego 3:18.31 4:33.62 5:11.27 5:26.33 4:41.15 4:11.02 4:18.55
21 Sacred Heart A Sarah Bell, Shay Cronin, Chelsey Parks, Caile Hanlon 3:01.18 3:41.45 3:03.70 4:56.94 3:26.35 4:11.64 5:09.52
22 College of St. Rose A Bianca Jordan, Ashley Jackman, Bridget Buckley, Jessica Razy 3:49.1 5:19.7 5:17.2 3:49.1 5:12.2 4:11.8 3:51.6
23 Bates A Sarah Fusco, Elizabeth Arens, Kallie Nixon, Lisa Reedich 4:20.01 4:55.35 3:39.62 4:30.10 5:25.64 4:12.43 4:47.77
24 Bentley A Natalie Caldwell, Andrea Crowley, Amy Varsell, Amy Margolius 5:18.88 4:00.43 4:18.15 4:43.45 4:10.55 4:13.08 3:47.78
25 Quinnipiac A Rebecca Stabile, Katy Petrie, Kayla Sims, Nicole Smith 5:06.05 5:29.01 4:07.39 4:38.00 3:01.08 4:15.04 4:35.45
26 Amherst A Jade McKnight, Naomi Bates, Lauren Almeida, Jaya Tripathi 5:19.7 3:54.6 5:22.3 4:12.7 3:46.9 4:17.9 4:25.6
27 New Haven A Tiara Mitchell, Meredith O'Connor, Emma Tingley, Samantha Mathewson 4:21.73 4:34.82 4:55.76 5:19.31 3:03.22 4:21.73 3:29.39
28 Conn College
B Sarah Matthews, Michelle Wesley, Elena Rosario, Merry Byrne 3:51.89 4:53.20 4:31.87 5:27.85 5:30.51 4:26.54 5:38.51
29 UMass Boston A Samara Faustin, Anitra Kloczewiak, Fatima Konteh, Ariana Leao 3:50.95 5:02.44 3:15.21 4:23.95 5:18.93 4:34.94 4:12.95
30 Queensborough CC A Tinee Marshall, Amanda Murolo, Tonika Bacchus, Gina Scales 5:01.84 3:44.30 4:42.45 5:04.61 4:56.30 4:36.91 4:20.30
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 UMass Lowell Giaquinto, Cunningham, Zielinski, Delgado 2:48.21 3:50.42
4 Yale Rue, Monti, Poggi, Cable 4:26.71 3:53.95
5 Dartmouth Supino, Terhorst, Stahl, Krumpoch 4:31.46 3:54.01
8 MIT Simmons, Brew, Huang, Jones 4:57.28 3:59.74
9 Binghamton Kisel, Baum, Sullivan, Clark 5:00.42 4:00.33
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
2 Monmouth Lewis, Williams, Watkins, Rutecki 3:52.09 3:33.53 2:49.43 2:49.43
3 Boston U. Maynard, Muhammed, Mirochnick, Mellor 3:53.77 3:16.37 4:35.85 2:48.32
7 Rider Horning, Findley, Hunter, Riley 3:58.67 4:20.15 3:34.81 4:44.02
10 Montclair State Patterson, Thomas, Jones, Gearity 4:01.6 2:51.5 4:57.1 2:56.3
14 Rhode Island Burke, Hessenkemper, Brillante, Madsen 4:05.63 5:14.41 4:08.09 2:54.40
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
6 UMass Lowell
Monty, Kitsakos, Shay, Toussaint 3:57.16 4:46.97
11 Rhode Island
Capozzi, Hector, Norman, Flanagan 4:01.68 3:25.43
13 Tufts Corrigan, Gormer, Bissonnette, Hieber 4:05.04 4:00.14
15 WPI Allen, Yusif, Rhinehart, Richard 4:05.73 4:05.73
19 Boston U.
Davies, Mercadante, Steiner, Long 4:10.69 5:20.89
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 4
12 Monmouth
Patrick, Toritto, Maguire, Hehn 5:09.74 4:03.89 3:07.80 4:23.41
17 Dartmouth
O'Flynn, Ready, Nee, Trojano 5:14.86 4:07.92 3:18.34 3:35.69
18 Middlebury Sheffield, McLean, Childs, Ryan-Davis 4:20.05 4:10.04 4:02.54 3:12.53
20 Montclair State
Murphy, Carr, Linton, Fego 3:15.80 4:11.02 4:28.60 3:28.35
21 Sacred Heart Bell, Cronin, Parks, Hanlon 3:03.70 4:11.64 4:06.61 5:12.04
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 5
16 RIC Brayboy, Cataldo, Miller, Key 3:36.28 4:05.77
22 College of St. Rose Jordan, Jackman, Buckley, Razy 4:01.7 4:11.8
23 Bates Fusco, Arens, Nixon, Reedich 4:57.87 4:12.43
24 Bentley Caldwell, Crowley, Varsell, Margolius 4:30.80 4:13.08
26 Amherst McKnight, Bates, Almeida, Tripathi 3:57.2 4:17.9
Women's 4 x 400 Relay Section 6
25 Quinnipiac Stabile, Petrie, Sims, Smith 3:39.34 3:36.79 4:15.04
27 New Haven Mitchell, O'Connor, Tingley, Mathewson 3:24.15 5:19.31 4:21.73
28 Conn College
Matthews, Wesley, Rosario, Byrne 3:11.91 4:15.88 4:26.54
29 UMass Boston Faustin, Kloczewiak, Konteh, Leao 4:43.19 4:15.70 4:34.94
30 Queensborough CC Marshall, Murolo, Bacchus, Scales 5:40.60 3:49.84 4:36.91