February 12-13, 2010
North Dakota St.-Bison Sports Arena - Fargo, ND
200m (Flat)

Men's Mile

1 Moses Heppner FR-1 North Dakota St. 5:11.72 4:30.51 4:17.62 3:20.95
2 Eric Stroh JR-3 North Dakota St. 4:46.50 3:49.71 4:18.10 5:12.31
3 Daniel Merritt FR-1 North Dakota St. 3:46.87 5:15.54 4:20.77 3:57.30
4 James Schanadore   UNAT 5:03.66 3:47.74 4:21.77 4:19.16
5 Clayton Foster FR-1 Minn. St. Moorhead 5:37.70 5:26.98 4:28.01 3:26.37
6 Jayce Seelig FR-1 Northern State 4:01.76 5:33.09 4:28.62 4:42.06
7 Justin Schrepel SO-2 North Dakota St. 3:46.17 4:45.41 4:29.25 5:50.03
8 Cory Meza SO-2 Minot State 3:17.72 3:23.13 4:30.84 3:31.26
9 Travis Husen JR-3 Minn. St. Moorhead 5:47.90 5:23.43 4:31.79 4:01.90
10 Jim Fay SR-4 Minn. St. Moorhead 6:00.20 5:49.11 4:37.07 3:41.66
11 Nathan Stamstad SO-2 U. of Mary 5:02.37 3:53.02 4:37.40 5:13.47
12 Daniel Scott   Brooks ID 5:19.80 3:34.13 4:38.08 3:59.15
13 Abdirashid Mohamed SO-2 St. Cloud St. 5:03.75 6:02.28 4:38.67 5:42.77
14 Jake Martel FR-1 North Dakota St. 5:14.43 3:30.56 4:40.74 5:53.74
15 Paul Lillehaugen JR-3 Concordia-Moorhead 5:09.17 5:42.90 4:41.06 4:21.39
16 Brock Rose SO-2 Northern State 3:22.71 5:29.41 4:41.54 5:37.85
17 Brandon Velasquez FR-1 Minot State 5:15.53 4:44.26 4:44.26 3:58.78
18 Abe Hartsel ll Unattached 4:07.34 5:21.25 4:44.29 3:38.91
19 Scott Anderson FR-1 Concordia-Moorhead 4:19.30 4:19.30 4:44.94 5:24.84
20 John Muenchow FR-1 Bemidji St. 5:19.73 4:11.22 4:45.47 4:42.62
21 Tanner Sakrismo SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 4:55.51 4:21.08 4:46.90 5:27.07
22 Ben Ehlers SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 5:04.23 5:53.49 4:49.74 3:25.72
23 Mike Reponen SR-4 Concordia-Moorhead 5:31.44 4:44.92 4:50.73 5:34.34
24 Leon Medina FR-1 Minot State 3:51.08 3:59.85 4:52.50 5:45.15
25 Ryan Perry FR-1 Minot State 4:41.08 5:52.09 4:55.87 5:37.30
26 David Ohmann SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 5:09.54 4:36.80 4:57.63 5:57.16
27 Adam Fitzgerald SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 4:41.57 5:49.64 5:09.41 6:11.30
28 Prince Nyde   Unattached 3:48.98 5:01.12 5:13.66 5:16.80
Men's Mile Section 1
1 Moses Heppner FR-1 North Dakota St. 3:20.95 4:30.51 4:17.62
2 Eric Stroh JR-3 North Dakota St. 5:04.56 3:18.74 4:18.10
3 Daniel Merritt FR-1 North Dakota St. 4:31.20 4:12.95 4:20.77
4 James Schanadore   UNAT 3:55.60 5:24.60 4:21.77
5 Clayton Foster FR-1 Minn. St. Moorhead 5:13.58 3:53.17 4:28.01
6 Jayce Seelig FR-1 Northern State 3:56.39 5:30.41 4:28.62
7 Justin Schrepel SO-2 North Dakota St. 4:58.87 5:31.18 4:29.25
8 Cory Meza SO-2 Minot State 4:52.51 4:38.97 4:30.84
9 Travis Husen JR-3 Minn. St. Moorhead 5:15.28 3:29.28 4:31.79
10 Jim Fay SR-4 Minn. St. Moorhead 4:09.37 5:15.86 4:37.07
11 Nathan Stamstad SO-2 U. of Mary 5:41.21 4:51.27 4:37.40
13 Abdirashid Mohamed SO-2 St. Cloud St. 5:17.69 3:54.09 4:38.67
14 Jake Martel FR-1 North Dakota St. 3:50.21 3:58.63 4:40.74
Men's Mile Section 2
12 Daniel Scott   Brooks ID 4:29.74 5:44.82 6:01.51 4:32.52 3:34.13 4:38.08 5:17.02
15 Paul Lillehaugen JR-3 Concordia-Moorhead 5:23.22 4:52.31 5:26.03 4:35.44 3:33.61 4:41.06 5:09.17
16 Brock Rose SO-2 Northern State 5:15.33 3:53.68 4:21.84 5:09.70 4:04.94 4:41.54 4:02.13
17 Brandon Velasquez FR-1 Minot State 3:53.10 6:01.01 5:52.49 5:41.12 4:58.48 4:44.26 4:15.84
18 Abe Hartsel ll Unattached 3:41.75 5:01.35 5:21.25 3:30.38 5:43.99 4:44.29 5:41.15
19 Scott Anderson FR-1 Concordia-Moorhead 6:04.73 3:36.56 4:33.55 3:25.16 5:36.23 4:44.94 4:30.70
20 John Muenchow FR-1 Bemidji St. 3:31.25 3:31.25 5:02.60 3:42.67 5:19.73 4:45.47 4:28.35
21 Tanner Sakrismo SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 4:12.48 4:41.17 4:38.30 4:18.21 5:50.02 4:46.90 3:23.70
22 Ben Ehlers SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 5:56.38 5:39.00 5:27.41 3:48.90 4:58.44 4:49.74 5:21.62
23 Mike Reponen SR-4 Concordia-Moorhead 5:05.27 5:48.88 4:33.29 5:37.25 6:17.95 4:50.73 3:43.87
24 Leon Medina FR-1 Minot State 4:52.50 6:17.33 5:30.53 4:02.78 5:18.83 4:52.50 4:58.35
25 Ryan Perry FR-1 Minot State 5:19.54 4:47.00 4:08.53 4:32.20 6:15.76 4:55.87 5:13.63
26 David Ohmann SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 3:58.11 4:27.87 4:04.06 3:43.23 3:31.32 4:57.63 4:21.92
27 Adam Fitzgerald SO-2 Concordia-Moorhead 4:16.81 6:26.77 3:42.78 6:42.24 4:41.57 5:09.41 6:14.39
28 Prince Nyde   Unattached 5:32.48 4:10.93 4:20.34 6:10.12 4:29.75 5:13.66 6:10.12